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Hi All,
Cornel said:Brahmins were not confined to priestly functions.
Moreover, they were not expected to cross the seas but large numbers
did even before it was possible to fly and not technically cross the
seas on water! I repeat that, all this Brahmin thing is plain humbug.
Ans: If priestly function is not confined to Brahmins why don't they
(the Hindus) during Ganesh pooja hire a Kshatriya to do the Chants?
May be humbug these days. If so why not get rid of God alltogether?
That way the Brahmins can do the Barbers and Butchers jobs, and
Gaitonde can be a mochee, but first get rid if god.

(Therefore I think religion is foremost in caste system (after all it
was started by the brahmin priestly sect in the first place to put
themselves on the top)).
Cornel: Religion is not foremost in the caste system.
Ans: If not who said ONLY Brahmins should do Ganesh pooja chants? did
the Dalit say that or the temple Brahmins!

Cornel:This is why a supposed Catholic Brahmin Goan of either sex has
a great problem from his parents/relatives when wanting to marry a non
Brahmin Catholic Goan.
Ans: There is no SUPPOSED catholic Brahmins about it, they are
original Goan Hindu Brahmins.

Cornel: For instance, the parents would rather a bloke married a
little educated white woman than a highly educated non-Brahmin Goan
woman. Such is the level of their intelligence and integrity and there
are loads of examples to confirm my point.
Ans: As Selma once said, her mother knew of one PAKLO BAMON. Just like
Whites in South Africa considered Chinese as HONORARY WHITES, such is
the nature of the human beast.

(Again, British way of life, the royalty (head of the Anglican church)
will not marry a commoner - they see it as a class system, it actually
is a caste system.)
Cornel: I believe that it is still against the law for the head of the
Church of England to marry a Catholic but not illegal to marry a
Ans. Then why did Edward have to abdicate? was Simpson a Catholic?

Cornel: Just one final point.Please please please do not equate caste
with class. The concepts are totally different.
Ans: Why not? Concepts are NOT different. A commoner cannot sit with a
Royalty in Church, this, I classify as caste system.
The English with their high English command decreed it as class and
not caste; for if they called it caste, they would be equating it with
the lowly Indian way of life (they were the rulers remember?)

Cornel:If you did, the casteists would love you for it because they
badly need to pretend that the evil system of caste, they have
internalised, is just like the more open system of class that has
emerged with the development of industrialisation. Please don't let
them fool you on this one whatever you do!
Ans: I repeat, get rid of God and we will not need the Brahmins doing
the rites, they can stick to doing the barbers (dentists) and the
butchers (surgery) jobs.
Goans will follow suite

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