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                             GARCA BRANCA
                        VACATION ACCOMMODATION
                         LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

    Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
I would like to know more about scared groves in Goa. Would anyone
have any information on the same? Is anyone aware of any writings,
textual material or other works including links to photographs, and
films? Likewise does anyone know of cemeteries that are considered
particularly peaceful? I do not mean something complex like the
veritable work of art that is Le Cimetiére du Père Lachaise in Paris.

I am also not suggesting any connection whatsoever, other than that of
observing and experiencing that certain tranquility. Of course the
groves in Goa besides preserving biodiversity; each maintain their
distinct ecological profile, and it's the energies generated and
divined over centuries, that make each one unique.


My point being that generally in our cultures, spaces that could offer
repose to the living and furthermore certain perspectives into the
culture of the other, are either not known – to those of the same soil
much less shared; and also that cemeteries are not regarded as space
which ones visits to partake in anything other than a burial. The
latter rarely have a bench or a boulder to sit on, and it is not often
that the setting is verdant with lush trees and vegetation for that
matter. I am often struck by the sheer desolation and a certain sense
of rejection which pervade our cemeteries.

I would appreciate any thoughts ideas, and fears (about cemeteries).


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