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                             GARCA BRANCA
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                         LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
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  Hi Venantius
  Re cemeteries in Goa, I wonder why the remains of the dead are routinely 
removed for destruction within the incredibly short period of three years? 
Also, what form of destruction is it? There is a bit of a hue and cry, I think 
in Greece where they are debating a proposal that bodies be exhumed for 
destruction within sixty years. This does not seem unreasonable to me but three 
years??  A further point is that there really is lots of land for the expansion 
of cemeteries in Goa not withstanding the land grab at present but I believe 
that the Church itself is selling off land perhaps to earn monies for church 
maintenance etc.
  Just some thoughts.

Venantius Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
     I am often struck by the sheer desolation and a certain sense
of rejection which pervade our cemeteries.

I would appreciate any thoughts ideas, and fears (about cemeteries).


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