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dear goanet readers.
 i am one of those thousands of goanet readers who have been following
events in goa specially of late,and like others was concerned about dire
state of things.what made me write this article was  some of the recent
postings on goanet which has been focusing on real issues like garbage,
unwanted immigration,corruption and so on.Most people stressed that people
of all shades and specially  NGOS should play a major role.
  I was particularly impressed by stand taken by save river sal front,south
goa action group, goa suraj party ,utt goenkar and that of some priests.
  As my loyalties lie more towards salcette, i thought it would be more
effective if all south goa NGOS combined forces with the rest of north goan
NGOS.As LOK SHAKTI were in the forefront during the present election and the
RG11 plan,taking up real issues like communalism and illegal land
dealings,and having very influential leaders,i thought they should take the
lead in coordinating  and spearheading the fight  against current burning
issues. But, what i discovered about this NGO was shocking and
unbelievable.In fact, i had to call my close contacts to clarify about the
allegations and was equally stunned to hear that they were indeed true!!
   I was informed that this NGO is made up of core group of people of
particular caste, same as that of the present chief minister and who mostly
control building and other major businesses and had controlled Salcette
through catholic vote banks since Babu Naiks time.What was more shocking was
that this front was used by Congress to get into power as it is very close
to the present chief minister.I believe, they were clever enough to use
people like DR. Oscar from Goa Bachao ( who was awarded Gulab man of the
year) , Dr. Francisco Collaco and Rajan Narayan of Goan Observer( whose 60th
birthday guest list include many of the key leaders, including the chief
minister whereby rs. 25 lacks were raised for his retirement benefit) during
the past election by running a vicious personal campaign against MR.
Parrikar,Babush and Churchill and playing the communal card against
BJP.Currently, they are supposed to be brain behind splitting Save Goa
Front, thereby neutralising Churchills rising power which is not in the
interest of the chief minister nor the Congress hierarchy.
 Looking back,what surprised me was their silence over Babush and Churchill
joining to save the government and their apathy and inaction over issues
like garbage, state of margao hospicio and Uncontrolled immigration which
incidentally is a vote bank for the chief minister and the congress!!
  Time to expose such Ngos and Boycott them As they will do more harm to goa
than good.You cant mislead people forever, eventually you will get caught
,specially in Goa.

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