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On 08/10/2007, CORNEL DACOSTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is to note Sanny's view that seems to be rather like mine that, the 
> Saudi position over not accepting worship sites other than Muslim is (in my 
> words), entirely bigoted, .................

Re Jerry's point, the Saudi position is not that there are too few
people of other faiths to allow for alternative sites of worship.

>   Re the closure of underused religious sites, this is not uncommon when 
> people move geographically from an area because of changed circumstances 
> often of an economic or political nature. The sites sometimes get taken over 
> by alternative religious groups or become used for something entirely 
> different from the original purpose. In East London (UK) for example, 
> religious sites have had different groups worshipping with every new wave of 
> immigrant over several centuries......

>   Cornel

COMMENT: The mass immigration by Poles and South Americans into the
U.K. has made some Churches which were about to go into a comma, into
a vibrant institutions with a thriving flock ! The Asian/Goan
chaplaincy used to have their yearly Fr. Agnelo mass at 2 p.m. at
Southwark Cathederal, this had to be moved to 3 p.m. because there is
now a regular Sunday mass to cater to the South American Catholics. A
Church in Swindon is now brimful, thanks to the influx of our

There is Bank branch (NatWest) in Ealing which has the majority of the
tellers, speaking fluent Polish. Our biggest Supermarket (Tesco) now
stocks Polish food in some stores and Polish beer. One generation,
after leaving in the U.K. these white migrants easily assimilate into
the community, becoming 'English'. Our Asians will have to live here
for centuries to become 'White'. That unfortunately is how the cookie

Notwithstanding this difficulty, I am increasingly pleased to see a
whole load of Asian newsreaders; a whole load of Asians, in top posts,
in Banking and as Lawyers. Asians have always, of course been
prominent in Medicine.

Any one agrees with me, that Angeli Rao of CNN is a stunner ?

An aside, Roland's Assamese, on Jet Airways, could well have been
either Singaporean or Malaysian; I met some of them :-)).


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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