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> From: Sachin Phadte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Goanet]
> Beware the exhibition of hatred...
> Marshall Mendonca writes: "One keeps on hearing about the plight of
> Kashmiri Pandits. The BJP was in power for 6 years. Would someone
> care to inform us what they did for the Kashmiri pandits other than
> exploit them for propaganda, as in the exhibition."
> In this thread, the point made by Mashall is valid only if the
> exhibition in question was organised by the BJP.

Get real, obviously the BJP won't officially organise this, they're a
registered political party and after their fiasco with the UP communal
CD, they are more cautious. Besides, while our 'secular' government may
connive with these divisive agendas, the South Goa parliamentary seat
election is coming up, and the Election Commission is not as soft as our
'secular' government on communal propaganda. So obviously the BJP has no
official link with this exhibition.

Which is exactly why you have the entity called the Sangh Parivar with
the RSS at its head. Each player sings his part of the tune, but the
resultant cacophony is essentially the same. Visit the BJP website, go
to the Hindu Janjagruti Samiti website, check out Organiser, Panchajanya
and suchlike journals, go to the Bajrang Dal website, see VHP material,
etc., etc. and they are essentially saying the same thing -- hatred
against minorities, 'communists', 'psuedo-secularists', and now, in the
style of George Bush, everybody who isn't on their side. The tune of
Hindutva fascism is essentially the same. There is an excellent article
on this in the latest issue of Himal magazine (devoted to
fundamentalisms of all kinds in South Asia, a must read issue, they are
giving out free issues, go the website and ask for you copy to be posted
to you) at
I quote an extract: "Although there is no coherent body of political
doctrine associated with fascism, the shared common features of fascist
movements have been: aggressive and unquestioning nationalism; belief in
the supremacy of one national, ethnic or religious group over others;
disrespect for democratic and liberal institutions, which does not
preclude using them to attain power; a profound hatred for socialism;
insistence on obedience to a powerful and absolute leader; and a strong
association with militarism and a demagogic approach, that appeals to
and whips up the basest emotions in a mob, making it suggestible, hasty
in judgement, easily swayed and carried away by the consciousness of its
own force."

Sounds familiar? If you want a more detailed exposition, there are
plenty of sources out there.

What's that about there being nobody as blind as those who refuse to
see? Or, as they say in Hindi: "Soye hue ko jaga sakte ho, lekin sone ka
dhong jo kar raha hain use nahin jaga sakte."

> Secondly, even if the BJP did not do anything, does it mean that the
> plight of the Kashmiri Pandits should be ignored? More than 300,000
> have been living as refugees in their own land, since 1989.

Of course, their plight must be addressed. Meaningful solutions must be
found. Which is exactly what this exhibition is NOT about, there is not
the slightest hint of any attempt to find a solution or to heal the pain
and suffering of the Pandits (leave alone the Kashmiri Muslims who are
suffering as grievously). Its only purpose is to use the plight of the
Kashmiri Pandits to whip up communal passions and hysteria among Hindus
in the rest of the country.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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