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There are sometimes opportunities that come along silently in each
one's lives that if availed, can change our entire direction.

Many such opportunities have come my own way. Some I have taken and
some I have just let drift away. In retrospect I can see how each one
of those chances might have played a part for my better or worse.

Hindsight in 2007 tells us what we Goans should and could have done
for Goa from the day we became part of India. We have done many right
things. We have raised our voices in the Opinion Poll that kept us
forever from being absorbed by Maharashtra. We have raised the Goan
consciousness in the rest of the country enough to give us our own
state. And we partook in many other actions that played out positively
for us.

But our greatest sin has been to have voted in rascals as politicians
to wield power over us. Time and time again. And moreover to have
tolerated whatever they threw at us without words of protest for years
and years. Our protest has been in the media, in our conversations and
in our tiatrs. But never where it would most count - in our votes.

We are subdued, but not completely yet. The popular agitation against
RP 2001 showed that. The consciousness has been awoken but we are
again confused as to where we should go. There seems to be no
leadership, things seems hopeless and individually we seem to be too
weak to counter the injustices that happen all around Goa. So we let
them pass and without realising that very hopelessness  gives greater
strength to those politicians to whom neither Goa nor the Goans matter
one whit.

It is like the British who ruled the millions of India with only a few
thousands of their people and a couple of hundred thousands of Indians
who deemed it a privilege to work for the masters. It is like the
Bombay gangsters who number no more than 100 to 300 of each of about
10 gangs. Yet they can hold to ransom 20 million Mumbaikars when they
want to. And the police are mostly powerless because their orders to
look away are given by the rogue politicians who come from all of the
known parties, and who can control the entire machinery with mere
phone calls.

It is not too late to stir the ingredient that makes the destiny for
Goa. Goa is thriving with the energy of the people who reside there,
Goans and newcomers. But every day it thrives, more and more of it's
blood is sucked away. Soon, the parasites will become larger than
their hosts and then the thriving will stop. The moment will have
passed and the bright future of Goa will have been imperilled.

Goans must seek another way to get the rascals out. Goa's Su-raj Party
has been on the sidelines. They seem to have the will to do good and
be a force for a better Goa. And that itself deserves our full
support. A few good men is all Goa needs, along with all of your
votes. Who knows whether they can deliver what they promise. Who knows
whether they turn out to be determined enough to withstand the
pressures when they are on the hot seats. Only time can tell but they
deserve that time.

Work for them, speak for them. Give them your moral support and above
all when the times comes give them your vote. That is the greatest
strength you have. Perhaps the only strength.


Roland Francis

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