Well said, and well done.  I totally agree with this sentiment, as I did with 
Selmas which arrived one after the other just now.
  Let us see now how many will disagree with one or both of you, after all you 
have both expressed exasperation with the way this so-called "investigation" is 
going with regard to searching this woman's body for evidence.  Surely if there 
was to be any evidence, it would be some type of "stain" on her dress / sari / 
underclothes etc, not on or in her body.
  Assuming the child has not reached puberty, I doubt if they can chase after 
semen, but they appear to be ready with rubber suits, rubber gloves and goggles 
anyway!  Idiotic to the extreme.
  Yes, I agree if there is case to be answered, or even if not then by all 
means go the DNA-way, do ALL tests and take up the case to its final 
conclusion, its after all a child involved here who has accused a teacher, 
albeit via the parent.  The police think they have a case, so lets go, dont 
waste time.
  But please do it so that justice is SEEN to be done. Absolutely no point in 
naming & attempting to shame someone who is REALLY innocent.  But if they ARE 
guilty, then its in the hands of the judiciary, not a howling mob that nearly 
killed that man last week who was accused of fondling a little girl (about the 
same age as his own daughter he was bringing to the same school), when found 
out he had to run to the police station for protection.  Guilty, fine! Then do 
let the law do its job (you have my opinion on this previously, too long-winded 
to repeat it here), if innocent then what? 
  Does he get compensated or does mud stick forever, maybe leave town for his 
own good?  He is a married man with children of his own, be he & the family 
must relocate anyway, or he will find a horse's head on his pillow in the 
  But it was suggested by another poster, last week that as the sole bread 
winner in the family, it is customary in Goa to let off with a smack on the 
wrist.  Is this true?  It was posted on this forum that many of the guilty are 
not sentenced or given any help etc with this "dis-ease" ............ because 
they know someone or there is usually money "under the table" ??
  Several views, and threads here which can be followed, but who will know the 
truth?  When will the case(s) be brought up before a judge?  Can someone keep a 
track on these two cases and report back on this forum?
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England
  Asked whether it can be established that the victim boy was assaulted by the 
lady tuition teacher, the Colva police inspector said that only when the 
teacher is arrested and subjected for medical examination the police be able to 
establish the truth.
Sanny de Quepem 

QUESTION: What are they going to check the lady teacher for ? Skin under her 
finger nails, fluids that she might give ? If so this DNA testing thing, is far 
more advanced in India than in England where DNA was first discovered.......
Gabe Menezes.

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