Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:
> Someone asked me today why Goa shouldn't
> follow the China model for development and
> infrastructure.

Another touch of Alzheimer's, eh! 
Let me try and help with the memory loss. The somebody was Shri Mervyn Lobo. 
Secondly, perhaps you started seeing red after you read the word China. Perhaps 
you even saw a question mark? Sadly, I will have to be the person to tell you 
that no one asked you a question. What you read was a simple statement. Here it 
is again. Hopefully, this time, you will comprehend it the way everyone else 
here did.
"China developed only after the state built the infrastructure."

> China's "development" has come at a terrible
> price with staggering damage to the environment.
> There is so much information available in the
> public domain and on the Internet on this subject
> that I do not feel it worth my while to educate
> the mental sloths on Goanet.

Too funny. 
You are attracted to and post on a forum that has mental sloths? Surely this is 
a Marxist moment? Here is what he said. "I would not join any club that would 
have someone like me for a member." :-)

> Find out for yourselves the atrocities wrought
> on the environment and on the human population
> by the Chinese comrades, and ask yourself if that
> is what you want.  A lot of the havoc this "development"
> has wrought is simply hidden from the world by
> the ruthless communist rulers.  They lie on just
> about every important issue (lying is coded into
> the Communist's DNA) - which is why you have
> to go to independent sources.  Again, do your
> homework before shooting off your next
> one-liner question.

I am going to try and retrieve you from your communist China rant and invite 
you back to the topic that you introduced and that should be discussed here, 
namely, can Goa develop without destroying its ecology? I hope you are up to 
the challenge. It seems a real pity (to me at least) that you seem unable to 
respond to any view that is not 100% in agreement with your own. I have noticed 
time and time again that instead of tackling the issue, you choose to go around 
in circles. Some one pointed out to me that there is a name for this malady. 
Its called Pi-polarism, That's right Pi as in circle :-)
Warmer regards,

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