Comba locals blacken Christian sect members 


MARGAO, NOV 3 - Two members of a Christian sect, believed
to be from the Jehovah’s Witness, were smeared with black oil paint at Comba
here on Saturday morning after locals suspected them of indulging in

Margao police received complaints and cross complaints from the two members of
the sect and also from the locals, who were accused of assaulting the duo.

The police later arrested two persons for dacoity and assault against the two
members of the sect and stealing their mobile phones. The two members of the
sect were also arrested for hurting the religious sentiments of the other

Margao PI Santosh Dessai informed that the male member of the sect was stripped
naked and smeared with the black oil paint. The female was let off with oil
paint on her face after being locked inside the house. The duo alleged they
were beaten up before being freed.

PI Dessai said the locals in a cross complaint, alleged that the duo tried to
hurt their religious sentiments by allegedly questioning the presence of a
picture of Lord in the house of one Prakash Faterpekar and the sacred thread
worn around their neck.

Late this evening, the two arrested parties moved for bail. A group of Hindu
activists were seen assembled in front of the Margao police station late
Saturday evening, demanding the release of the two locals from Comba.



Women groups march to Vasco PS Demand arrest of
woman’s husband 


VASCO, NOV 3 - Outraged by the dowry-related harassment of
a handicapped woman, representatives of various women groups on Saturday
marched to the Vasco police station and demanded the immediate arrest of the
woman’s husband Harischandra alias Dinesh Ulhas Naik.  Harischandra and his 
family have been accused
of demanding dowry from Vandana Mandrekar, his second wife, and allegedly
threatened to kill her.

Tara Kerkar, president of ‘Savera’ and ‘Mahilanchi Pragati’ along with other
representatives of Saili Mahila Mandal and Swastik Mahila Mandal went to the
police station and demanded an explanation for the delay in arresting the
accused.  The women activists also
insisted that the accused should return the valuables of both the women whom he
had married.

“We will not tolerate any atrocity towards women. The accused, Harischandra,
married two women and kicked them out of his home. If such characters are left
scot-free, women will be taken for granted,” said Kerkar.  The women activists 
alleged that the accused
boasted of political patronage and hence, the police had failed to arrest him
till date.

They warned that a large rally would be organized outside the police station,
if the police failed to nab the accused immediately.  The NGOs and Mahila 
Mandals have convened a
meeting at New Vaddem on Sunday at 5 pm, to express their solidarity with both
victims and to chalk out their further course of action in the matter.

Later speaking to reporters, Vasco PI Sammy Tavares claimed that investigations
are in progress and that Investigation Officer Sanjay Dalvi had recorded about
12 statements of various people. 
Refuting the allegations of the women activists that the police had been
biased towards the accused, PI Tavares said the accused would be dealt within
the framework of the law.   Vandana
Mandrekar had a lodged complaint against Harischandra and seven of his family
members on October 31.   Meanwhile, the
first wife of accused Harischandra has decided to lodge her complaint against
Harischandra for remarrying without obtaining a divorce from her.   PSI Dalvi 
said the first wife has approached
the police in this regard that that, the complaint against Harischandra is yet
to be registered. http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=3789&cid=26


HC upholds Administrative Tribunal’s order
convicting Loliem panch


PANJIM, NOV 3 - A panch of Loliem-Polem Village Panchayat
had to lose his panchayat membership for assaulting police constable and a
police driver on duty.

The Bombay High Court on Friday upheld the order passed by the Administrative
Tribunal in which election of  Loliem-Polem panch Meghanath Bandekar was
set aide as he was convicted for  a criminal offence.   Rejecting the petition 
Justice R S
Mohite  observed that  “In my view, the conduct  of the
petitioner  involved  in this  case  is more serious 
so far  as he  assaulted  the  police  constable 
and the  driver   who were  put on duty to maintain the law
and order.”    Petitioner was
elected from Ward V of Loliem-Polem Village Panchayat in elections held in May

 Sanjay Pinge who had also contested  panchayat elections  
from ward  V and  polled in 93  votes  as against  the
petitioner  who  got 154 votes had gone before Administrative
tribunal with a plea to set aside election of  the petitioner.   After the 
elections  Pinge had
discovered that in March 2007,  Bandekar was convicted and sentenced by
JMFC Canacona under Section 353  (assault  of public servant on duty
) R/W 34 of the  Indian Penal Code (IPC), along with the co-accused one
Rajesh  Naik.   Both were sentenced for a day and fined Rs 2500
each, for assaulting police constable and police driver on duty during assembly
bye-election in 2005.  Under Section 10
(e) of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994  — a person is disqualified 
from contesting the election  if  he is convicted  for an
offence  involving moral turpitude.  
According to Pinge’s counsel Adv Venkatesh Tamba, the
Administrative  Tribunal  found  that  petitioner was 
indeed  guilty of moral turpitude.    


From murder to matka, Dessai clan gets jhatka


CURCHOREM, NOV 3 - After losing the Assembly poll earlier
this year, former Curchorem legislator Ramrao Dessai and his family seem to
have run out of authority, patronage and luck. 
While Ramrao’s one brother, Rajesh, was recently charged with murder and
attempt to kill, his other brother, Umesh, and six others were arrested on
Saturday on charges of gambling under Section 3 and 4 of the Prevention of
Gambling Act.

“Police received information that closed-door gambling activities were being
carried out in the bungalow of the Dessai family at Gaunwada-Xelvona,” said
Curchorem PI Nilesh Rane.

Police then obtained a search warrant from the court to raid the bungalow. On
Saturday, at about 4.00 pm, police received a tip-off that matka activities
were in progress at the Dessai bungalow. The police stormed into the bungalow
and arrested Umesh Dessai, Anton Faria, Caitan Fernandes, Suresh Vishnu Naik,
Soiru Velip, Rajendra G Gaonkar and Suraj Velip.Police also seized matka slips,
charts, a calculator, a register and cash amounting to Rs 17,000. Investigations
are in progress. http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=3787&cid=26


PORVORIM, NOV 3 — Where there is a
(political) will, there is a way - or a road to be more precise.  A family was 
shocked to find a road
constructed in their property at Candolim without their knowledge or
permission.  And in the coastal belt of
Candolim and Calangute, where law and procedure have been frequently replaced
by influence and might, the family’s quest for justice could be delayed, if not
denied, specially since their adversary happens to be the local sarpanch.  
Speaking to Herald, Vernon Rodrigues, said he
owned a small plot of land, measuring 176 sq mtrs, in Survey 139/1 at

“The property was purchased by my grandfather Mateus Sebastiao Rodrigues by
virtue of sale deed on September 28, 1925 and since then, it has been in our
possession,” Vernon

On October 13, his daughter Vanessa had taken their surveyor to inspect their
property, when they were surprised to find a road being constructed in their
property.  “Candolim Sarpanch Lawrence
Fernandes and three others supervised the construction of the road. He
(Fernandes) had brought five labourers, a road roller and two drivers to
construct the road,” Vanessa said.  When
Vanessa asked the sarpanch to justify the work on their property, Fernandes
reportedly stated that a French woman owned the property and had given them
permission to construct the road, as it would benefit residents in the area.   
“I then informed the Sarpanch that the
French lady was the owner of the property by the side of our plot and that, the
road was being constructed on our property. I even volunteered to produce
documents to prove ownership of our property,” Vanessa said.  Vanessa said she 
was willing to part with a
one-and-half metre at the periphery of their property and suggested that the
French lady donate the other 1.5
 metre width of her property, so that the 3-metre road
could be constructed.  The sarpanch then
called Vanessa to the panchayat office on October 15 at 10 am along with her
property documents.

“However on Sunday (October 14), we were shocked to find the sarpanch along
with the road roller and two drivers continuing with the construction work,”
said Vanessa.  Added her father Vernon: “When objected to
their work, the sarpanch who had also brought around 8 goons along with him,
mercilessly assaulted my labourers who were engaged on the site. The sarpanch
also abused my daughters, threatened them with dire consequences.”  Vernon
then went to the Calangute police station to lodge a complaint. “The police
initially refused to accept my complaint, but after much persuasion, registered
the complaint only three hours later,” he said. 
When contacted, Sarpanch Lawrence Fernandes insisted that the property
belonged to a French national, who had given permission to construct the road.
He, however, declined to provide further details into the controversial
road.  Vernon also filed an application for
temporary injunction in the Court of Civil Judge Junior Division at Mapusa on
October 19.  In the meantime, the
sarpanch restarted the construction of the road on October 28 and got it tarred
the next day.  “I lodged a complaint with
the Calangute police in this regard on October 29, but the police has not taken
any action on my complaint,” said Vanessa.



Develop creative knowledge, says Dhage


PANJIM, NOV 3— “Every parent today wishes their child to
be blessed with all good qualities and talents while the children are tensed up
as to what they can give their parents. But one should understand their failure
in exams is not the failure of life and should always try to develop creative
knowledge along with academic studies.” 
This was the challenge posed by. Prabhakar Dhage,  Editor of
Pudhari  daily , Goa, towards the
students. He was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of Balotsav 2007 
by the Directorate of Art & Culture in collaboration with West Zone
Cultural Centre, Udaipur.

Shridhar Kamat Bambolkar, Vice Chairman of State Cultural Development Committee
and a Goan dramatist, presided over the entire ceremony.  Director of Art & 
Culture, Prasad
Lolayekar and Assistant Director (Culture), Ashok Parab also accompanied the
guest on the dais. This festival is being held at Institute Menezes Braganza
Hall.  Dhage, in his speech criticized
the current/ present examination system. He said that it is not right to
measure/judge the yearly study of a child in just three hours. On this note, he
also highlighted the examples of many, who even after having failed at the
school level have shown at national and international levels their own potential
and self confidence.  To move ahead in
life, along with academic studies it is necessary to have an adventurous
nature, wide dreams, a spirit to fight for victory, positive approach,
leadership quality, self confidence and a balance between physical and mental
health and one should try developing these, qualities  Bambolkar, said that 
creativity is present in
every one and it begins in the childhood. It is necessary to capture these
qualities and the Directorate of Art & Culture is working hard towards it.
Similarly, he also announced that the department is in spotting such students
and providing them scholarships.  The
five dayfestival (Balotsav) has enroiled many students from Panjim and its
vicinity. Experts from Goa, Aril Samant
(music),. Vishwas Chari (drama) and those from Udaipur Yakub Multani
(bandhani),. Abdul Malik (kite making), and Ram Sahani (paper stencil craft)
will guide the students. . . .

Tirthana Verlekar (cultural organizer) welcomed the guests at the inauguration
ceremony, Savio Lourenco (cultural organizer) presented the vote of thanks
while Kranti Chari, cultural instructor compered the session.



Film creativity in Goa
receives impetus


PANJIM, NOV 3— Film creativity in Goa received an impetus
when the State government notified Goa Scheme of Financial Assistance for Films
in March 2006 with a two fold objective of encouraging production of quality 
as well as telefilms, short films and documentaries and to boost the image of
the State in the film world.

Under the scheme it is mandatory for registration of producers under rule 3 (d
) that the intending producer should be the resident of the state for 15 years
and in case of a partnership firm, a limited company or a society, should have
a registered office in the State. There is also a provision to have a majority
of partners / directors as Goans in case of partnership firm or a company 
in the State. Forty one producers have been registered as on October 20, 2007
and registration numbers have been allotted to them under section 3 (f) . The
list of registered producers is displayed on the notice board of Department of
Information and Publicity and is also available on the department website 
www.goainformation .org

The scheme envisages grant of financial assistance upto 50 percent of the cost
of production subject to maximum of Rs. 20 lakhs for each film. This is highest
ever assistance paid by the government to any industry. It maintains a
provision - rule 2 (iv ) under which scheme is made applicable to all films
screened at the Goa State Film Festival 2005, thus making them eligible for 
assistance. Accordance with rule 2 (iv ) seven film which participated in Goa
state Film Festival were paid production assistance as per their eligibility .
They are Aleesha by Rajendra Talak Creations ( Rs. 20,00,000 ), Sood by Damodar
Arts Motion Film Production of Sanjeev Prabhudesai (Rs. 20,00,000); Kanteantlem
Ful by D’Costa Film Productions Arnald Costa ( Rs. 3.50 Lakhs ); It’s My Life
By Shri Shamsundar Productions of Sham Sunder Golatkar ( Rs. 3.50 Lakhs ); Ek
Dis - Shadows of Life , by Fantasy Films of Shri Amar Sawant( Rs. 1,00,0007-),
6 ) Kalzache Ghave by Konkani Machi Mogi, Sangem of Shri Teotonio D’Costa ( Rs.
1,00,000) and Ordem Chador by D’Mello Production of Augie D’Mello ( Rs.

In the scheme, for release of first installment i.e 50% of
total amount of financial assistance is paid to supplier of raw stock directly
while for the release of second installment which amounts to maximum 40% of the
assistance is directly paid to studio / laboratory towards post production cost
and the final installment i.e remaining 10% is paid to producer after
production of Censor Board Certificate, statement of expenses incurred and
censor copy of the film in VCD or DVD to the Department of Information and

According to provision under rule 4(18) before the disbursement of 1st
installment the producer should submit details as to the sources from where the
balance 50% of the cost of the production of the film will be raised. Out of 21
films scripts approved, only six producers have submitted the requisites under
the scheme viz Rajendra Talak Creations, Prasad Gurav,. Jyoti Kunkolienkar,
Sudesh Lotlikar, s Vinsan Graphics,. Sharon Mazarello, Agustin D’Cruz and
Rohidas Shirodkar. In case of Shri Rajendra Talak Creations, the film is 
and on approval the financial assistance due to the film has already been
released under the various provisions of the scheme.

The scheme also envisages grant of additional assistance under rule 4 ( 19 ).
Accordingly Sanjiv Prabhudesai from Margao was sanctioned Rs. 5,00,000 for
screening his film Sood for International Film Festival in 2004 while Arnald
Costa was paid Rs. 1 Lakh for screening his film in different places in the
State.  The scheme has also a provision
to exempt all films made in Goa from
Entertainment Tax. As the exemption has to be given by Entertainment Tax
Commissioner, necessary proposal is being processed at his level. As regards,
making theatres available, the matter was discussed with theatre owners and
Government is awaiting formal communication from them for acceptance of
Government proposal to make available theatres for at least one week in each
city. The government has also allowed outdoor and indoor shooting of the film
by paying nominal charges of Rs. 1,000 per film.



Naik elected Navyuvak chief 


PANJIM, NOV 3— At an annual general body meeting of Mapusa
Navyuvak Mandal Vishal Vaikhunt Naik was elected as president and Pankaj
Baburao Naik as secretary for the year 2007-08. 
Other office bearers are – Vice President:. Anant Dharwadkar., Secretary
:. Pankaj B. Naik.  Joint Secretary Jagdish Naik Treasurer :. Raju
Nadodkar.  Joint Treasurer:. Deepak Chatim 
Members:. Gautam Naik,. Nandu Salgoankar, Sanil Naik, Nilind Thali,
Ashok Vazarkar,. Sanju Naik and.Conrad Vaz,

Advisory committee :. Sandesh Naik, Ramnath Burye,. Cedric Vaz ,. Darshan
Naik,. Hemant Anvekar. At this meeting it was decided to organize 18th all Goa
Narkasur effigy competition, Childrens Day, Medical Camps in remote area, all
Goa Ghumat aarti competition, Marathi classical programmes, cooking
competitions, drawing competitions for childrens, etc. In the beginning.
Ramnath Burye welcomed.



upholds tribunal order declaring election of Loliem-Polem panch void

NT Legal Correspondent

Panaji, Nov 3 The single judge of
the Bombay High Court, Mr Justice R S Mohite rejected the petition filed by Mr
Meghanath Bandekar and upheld the order passed by the administrative tribunal
declaring the election of the petitioner null and void for being convicted for
an offence of moral turpitude.  The
administrative tribunal by an order dated September 3 declared the election of
Mr Bandekar null and void and set aside his election. Aggrieved by the order of
the tribunal the petitioner had approached the High Court.  

Mr Sanjay Pinge had approached the
tribunal challenging the election of the petitioner from ward number 5 of
Loliem-Polem panchayat on the ground that Mr Bandekar was convicted for
assaulting a police constable and a driver under Section 353 read with Section
34 of the Indian Penal Code by judicial magistrate first class, Canacona.  The 
petitioner had argued that the
administrative tribunal while deciding against him had erred in relying on the
ratio of the decision in Dr Shankar Ambhore’s case in as much as the assault
was on a professor in that case.  However,
the court while dismissing the petition observed that the assault being on a
police constable and a police driver the offence is more serious as it was
assault on officers who are responsible for maintaining law and order.

Mr Bandekar during victory
celebrations after the by-elections had assaulted a police constable on duty
and a police driver by catching their collars and slapping and hitting them.

The JMFC had sentenced him to
undergo imprisonment till the rising of the Court and to pay Rs 2500 or in
default to undergo one-year simple imprisonment. Aggrieved by the order of the
JMFC, an appeal was filed before the sessions judge, however, the same was



march to Verna Estate to stop work on SEZ 

NT News Service

Margao, Nov 3 Putting up a united
front against the permissions issued to set up special economic zones, people
from various parts of South Goa, including the sarpanchas and panchas, marched
to the Verna Industrial Estate, today morning and demanded that K Raheja Pvt
Ltd, a SEZ developer immediately stop work on the site.The agitating locals
shouted slogans and demanded an immediate withdrawal of the SEZs in Goa. They
also urged the government to institute a thorough inquiry into the allocation
of land for SEZs and have warned that they would come out on the streets if no
action is taken.

According to the convenor of the
‘People’s Movement Against SEZs,’ Mr Charles Fernandes, the SEZ was not
notified by the government. He also stated that since the Chief Minister had
publicly assured to review the SEZ policy, the concerned developer should have
stopped the work.  The project manager of
K Raheja Pvt Ltd informed the agitated public gathered there that although the
SEZ had not been notified, they had got the required permissions from the Goa
Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) to sink the bore wells, tap ground
water and blast the hills. “We were shocked that the GIDC has usurped the
powers of the department of mines and industries, water resources and town and
country planning,” said Mr Charles Fernandes. He informed that there was no
board put up with the project details as required by the law.

‘People’s Movement Against SEZs’
has demanded a joint inspection of the site by the collector along with the
people and media. It has also demanded that all relevant documents be examined
to ensure transparency in the activity. A special magistrate present at the
site, today, took note of the borewell water being pumped into overflowing
tanks and the mass destruction of the hills, the convenor informed. He then
instructed the people to submit a memorandum to the collector giving all
relevant information.



event management agency fails to satisfy prog committee 

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Nov 3 The Times Innovative
Media Ltd, the event management agency for the International Film Festival of
India slated to open later this month, today failed to satisfy the members of
the programme committee of the governing council of the Entertainment Society
of Goa, during its presentation.  The
programme committee, not content with the creative concepts of Times Innovative
Media Ltd, during its earlier presentation had asked the company to come out
with a revised presentation. Mr Sumeet Chatterji and Mr Sameer Khan made the
revised presentation before the programme committee, headed by its chairperson,
Mr Vishnu Wagh, earlier in the day.  Among
those present on the occasion included the vice chairperson of the committee,
Mr Vishal Pai Cacode, Ms Anju Timblo, Mr Francis Martins, Mr Manguirish Pai
Raikar, Mr Tomazinho Cardozo, Mr Sunil Azgaonkar, Mr Shambhu Bandekar and the
general manager of the ESG, Mr Nikhil Desai. 

The committee members were
unimpressed with the revised presentation and asked Times Innovative Media Ltd
to make a fresh presentation on November 7. A member of the programme committee 
‘The Navhind Times’ that most of the members of the committee who attended
today’s presentation expressed dissatisfaction over the creative aspects of
stage decor chalked out for the Kala Academy as well as other concert venues,
the welcome arch, decorations at the Inox courtyard, designs of stalls at the
reception centres, etc.

“In fact, today’s presentation
only discussed the backdrop for the main stage,” the member informed, pointing
out, “The proposals about the mega concerts, which were put forward to the
programme committee by the Times Innovative Media Ltd, concerned huge amounts.”
“The committee members felt that there was no need to spend such exorbitant sum
on concerts, and that the committee itself could directly contact the local
cultural groups and hire them for performing in five urban as well as equal
number of rural centres,” the member stated. 
“The members have now asked the representatives of the Times Innovative
Media Ltd to put all things in order once again and give another presentation
on November 7, during the scheduled meeting of the programme committee,” the
member noted.

The member said that the Brilliant
Entertainment Network, which was another bidder for the tender for event
management agency had scored over the Times Innovative Media Ltd, in terms of
the creative and visual aspects. “However, it lost to the Times Innovative
Media Ltd, in the area of financial bid,” the member added.  The member, 
however, expressed confidence
that the things would soon fall in place, in spite of the time running out. It
was also informed that the programme committee members are working overtime to
ensure completion of the ongoing preparations for IFFI 2007, by November 20.



more Goans selected for Manchester

NT Sports Reporter

Margao, Nov 2 The Manchester
United Soccer Schools pilot talent search programme concluded at Nehru stadium,
Fatorda, here, today as the experts revealed the names of six more footballers
along with four Goan coaches who will travel to UK next summer to receive
further coaching from Manchester United Soccer Schools staff.  The six players 
selected today are: Raymond
Rodrigues, 15, of Don Bosco High School, Panaji; Brandon Fernandes, 13, of
Loyola High School, Margao; John Pereira, 11, of Assumpta Convent High School,
Sarzora; Reagan Pereira, 13, of Don Bosco High School, Panaji; Daryl Endro, 13,
of Benthany Convent School, Areal and Cassius Cardozo, 15, of Loyola High
School, Margao.

The final selections were arrived
at after screening 4653 footballers over the last one week.

Among the local coaches, Paul Bast
(Ribandar), Mario Aguiar (Divar), Avinash Johnson Costa (Benaulim) and Shekar
Kerkar (Aldona) were selected to join the 12 footballers for Manchester. Their 
names were announced by Mr
Gavin Rhodes, senior coach educator.

The 12 Goan footballers selected will
interact with footballers from over 70 different nations in Manchester during 
the week-long residential
summer training sessions in 2008 making it an experience of a life time for

The Manchester United Soccer
Schools intends to educate the selected Goan footballers so that they emerge
not only as better players but also as better people when they travel back to 
Goa to represent their state and nation.  The nature of training will be 
similar to the
one imparted in Goa during the MUSS programme
although it will not be as intensive in nature.

The final coaching will cover all
attributes which will help children to become competent footballers as the
experts would want the trainees to enhance their mental and physical
preparedness while catering to their nutritional aspects as well.  In 
the selected footballers will also be exposed to guidance from top coaches and
experts in football through seminars in order to keep them on their toes.  Ways 
to make them successful in the future
will be identified during the residential training programme.

Meanwhile, speaking at the
valedictory function today, Mr Mandeep Bhatia COO - Mobile Services,
Maharashtra and Goa, Bharti Airtel said: “The success of the pilot project
reaffirms our belief that talent and enthusiasm in the field of soccer are a
plenty in India and
especially in Goa. We at Bharti Airtel are
proud of our association with the Goa Kick Off event and will continue our
efforts, in one way or the other, in promoting a rich sporting culture across
the country.”  “To win their unique
prize, the boys had to complete the same intense series of challenges that the
boys selected yesterday also went through. They were judged on variety of
skills including ball control, awareness, speed, and technical skill. The day
involved work in small groups and then a number of competitive matches during
which they were continually assessed,” Mr Steve Jones added. Mr Dale Hobson
from Manchester,
Dr Susana de Sousa director of sports, Mr Savio Messias, GFA secretary were
present at the prize distribution function.



Sanny de Quepem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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