Feeling a bit low today, after a week with influenza which knocked me for six, 
I decided to take a few days off from my business & stay at home (cautiously 
walking around, putting in dirty laundry in the machine, then using the tumble 
dryer afterwards, making some tea & having breakfast after everyone has left 
for their day's labour), I turned on the tv and was surprised to see the 
mornings news broadcast about a young mother who died in childbirth.
  Its not an unusual occurence, there are many women who die in childbirth for 
varying reasons but this one could have been prevented, but for the woman's 
faith in her religion, she was a Jehovah's Witness.
  Whilst giving birth to TWINS, she needed a blood transfusion but refused it 
because she said she was a Jehovah's Witness and it was against their religion 
to accept a transfusion.  This lady died for her beliefs which is all very well 
but now there are two babies who will grow up without their mother & we do not 
know the family's background regarding the father & his capabilities to look 
after them if he is working full time or whether she had a sister or will they 
rely on grandparents to do the work of a mother.
  In such circumstances, you would have though some dispensation could be given 
but there but for a few pints of blood, two children will not know their mother 
& I hope they look deeply into this religion before commiting themselves when 
they are adults.
  This is not all, there were issues where deaths were also preventable where 
parents have refused their children a blood transfusion and the children died, 
some from accidents (which were also preventable but by their very nature, 
impossible and that is why they are called accidents), some by emergency 
surgery (which is permissible but NO blood transfusion can be used), these 
deaths of children due to the parents refusing blood transfusions brings home 
the faith people have in their religion, we all do things for our religion, but 
sacrificing oneself is one thing but sacrificing children is something else, in 
my humble opinion, they are not old enough to make this decision!
  John Monteiro

Sanny de Quepem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
MARGAO, NOV 3 - Two members of a Christian sect, believed to be from the 
Jehovah’s Witness, were smeared with black oil paint at Comba here on 
Saturday morning after locals suspected them of indulging in 

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