Dear All,

Sonia maino gandhi is not the first person to
sacrifice a position of power...balasaheb thackeray,
the hindu "hridaysamrat" ( emperor of the hindu
hearts)  also made a "sacrifice" by refusing to be CM
of maharashtra and instead nominated manohar pant
joshi for the post..discerning people who have their
heads in the right place call that type of stunt as
exercising complete power without responsibility :-)

like sonia gandhi he too has dedicated his life for
the service of the antion.. I would add him to the
list of nehru gandhi too and to criticse him is
unteanble for me as an indian...ditto for modi and
savarkar and dawood ibrahim too :-)

in fact it is untenable for me to criticise anyone ..
except for the human filth , those "loz nahlele
dukors" ..correct?


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