Hi Kevin,

Thanks for cutting to the chase in your response.  You were more direct in your 
answer than Santosh. Perhaps that is why you elected to clarify the issue.  You 
also responded with great finesse.  I have to compliment Santosh for his 
explanation of the terms morality and ideology.

Morality and Social Behavior is more than a theoretical construct.  Yet for 
now, let us agree to disagree.  

Goanetters can make their own determination based on their own wide human 
observations whether "majority of humans are born moral".   Religion (mine) 
says only two were born so.

You and I can agree that it is time to close this thread.
Kind Regards, GL

---------- Kevin Saldanha 

Dear Gilbert, I would give you a YES/NO answer (before Bosco closes this 
thread) to your oft posed question below and the reason for it. 

YES, (a vast majority of) humans are born "moral".  Morality is a human 
construct and is based essentially on the instinctive emotion of empathy, which 
has been found to exist in many other species.  A very small minority of people 
lack this emotion either from birth, because of brain injury or abnormal 
------------ Gilbert Lawrence 
 "Are humans BORN MORAL?".

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