--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Goanetters can make their own determination based on
> their own wide human observations whether "majority
> of humans are born moral".   Religion (mine) says
> only two were born so.

It is unlikely that any Goanetter has observed any
kind of immoral act being committed by an infant or a
toddler. So from a practical standpoint the claim that
humans are not born moral is nonsense. 

Instead, if the claim is that for the full expression
of the positive aspects of morality, the child has to
grow up, has to undergo normal brain development and
has to have normal social interactions, then the claim
is partially true. It is true to the extent that one
can say humans are born dumb. 

Accumulated scientific evidence indicates that the
capacity for what we regard as moral behavior is
essentially innate, just like the capacity for
language. Indeed, many of the positive moral traits
are evident in a child of 18 months. For example,
altruistic behavior is clearly seen at this age. Of
course, both positive and negative social influences
can significantly modify moral behavior.



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