Albert Desouza wrote the following:

1: it is a fact that cold and fever is caused because the child has
been given BCG dose.

2: This is ok if there are TB germs entering in your body due to
endemic diseases but as no germ enters our body, there is cold and
fever formed in the body as a symptom of TB.

3: Mr.JC. why do you not write your name ? Gabe ......I hope you two
are not one and the same person

Dear Albert,

Before I address your last (3) point, may I ask you to

1: please explain the following from you "ok if there are TB germs
entering in your body due to endemic diseases but as no germ enters
our body"

2: please direct me to a peer-reviewed site which reveals 'the fact'
that "cold and fever is caused because the child has been given BCG

Now to your question: I can confirm that I am not Gabe. Gabe is a
gentleman and a good one at that. He and I have a plan to share a
lager the next time I stop for any significant length of time in

As far as me (JC) ..... All I can do is to send the message from my
e-address. I believe that most people will discern my name from my
email address.


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