--- "J. Colaco < jc>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2: please direct me to a peer-reviewed site which
> reveals 'the fact'
> that "cold and fever is caused because the child has
> been given BCG
> dose"

Dear Doc,
Albert does not need a peer-reviewed article, to
convince him that modern medicine is bad for you. 

This is the primary reason why religious
indoctrination is bad for human beings, because it
runs counter to rationality. There is a very
systematic pattern to fundamental religious movements.
They seem to have the following in common:

a) A paranoid dislike of western medicine.
b) A desire to convert as quickly and abundantly as
c) A need to keep women repressed and deny them any
prospect of life independent of the central figure in
their life, who at all times should be a man, either
in the form of a father or husband.
d) A rabid hatred of homosexuality, and repression of
one's sexuality.

Against this, they will rant in one form or the other.
Did you notice that Albert's garlic recipe for good
old fashioned Goan aiie, was recommended only for

Albert, if you've been trying to get garlic tied
around women's necks, no wonder then the stabbings by
women have increased in Goa.


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