Dear Doc,Albert does not need a peer-reviewed article, toconvince him that 
modern medicine is bad for you.  This is the primary reason why 
religiousindoctrination is bad for human beings, because itruns counter to 
rationality. There is a verysystematic pattern to fundamental religious 
movements.They seem to have the following in common: a) A paranoid dislike of 
western medicine.b) A desire to convert as quickly and abundantly aspossible.c) 
A need to keep women repressed and deny them anyprospect of life independent of 
the central figure intheir life, who at all times should be a man, eitherin the 
form of a father or husband.d) A rabid hatred of homosexuality, and repression 
ofone's sexuality. Against this, they will rant in one form or the other.Did 
you notice that Albert's garlic recipe for goodold fashioned Goan aiie, was 
recommended only forwomen?  Albert, if you've been trying to get garlic 
tiedaround women's necks, no wonder then the stabbings bywomen have increased 
in Goa.
Dear Selma
You do not seem to understand the basic things explained by me because you look 
only towards the west. Are you aware that today garlic pills are found in the 
pharmacy? In the past if ladies wore garlic round their neck what do you want 
me to do ? Man wore casti and ladies did not. What am I do ? Man drank feni 
woman did not drink that much so they were suffereing from gas what to do ? 
Going to the west your brains and so too others have  become contracted due to 
cold over there and so you and many others write nonsense. One must drink pure 
feni and the mind works better
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