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Stage Play:  ON  THE  HOLY  TRAIL
Staged By:   The Mustard Seed Art Company 
Where:         Kala Academy - Mini Open-air Auditorium
When:          Dec 20 & 21, 2007  @  7pm

Read a Review at:

Hey Joe,

U still got it all wrong!
Please read my posting properly. U see it is a fact,
that only the Gauncar Chaddis are allowed to celebrate
and control the Church Funds and administration,
because of this Feudal Communidades Sytem.

Example, in the village where I come from, only the
Gaumkar Caldeiras beloging to the Vangor are allowed
to participate and only the gauncar tribes cobtrol the
finances et al. My family also Chaddo/chaddi, not
descendent from this Gauncar Tribe is not allowed, to
participate, even though I used to give huge
contributions to Church and other charities, whilst I
lived there!

That is why I am saying that this Gauncari system of
Communidades is the bane of division and apartheid in
Goa rather than Caste alone.

What I am saying is that: This Feudal Gauncari System
and un reformed un democratic Communidaedes system is
the root cause of goa's troubles.
Sozmollai murre??
Mog assundhi!

Nasci Caldeira.
--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cansaulim,  charddi  & 3 kings Feast  
> Yes, the three Kings must be from Chardi caste (also
> knows as gaumcars).
>  Now who are these chardi?
> Mainly, Saldanhas, Vaz, Gracias, Barettos  etc of
> Cansaulim/Arossim/Cuelim
> Mind you there are Vaz in kunnbi community too in
> the area.
> Chardi – necessarily mean landlords with large
> Portuguese  houses ?
> No. There are chardis who are ‘Poder’ and ‘render’
> by profession (bakers &
> toddy tapers)  yet they are proud to be chardi. Many
> chardis are even siphoning
> public funds (DSSS) Rs.1000 per month (remember my
> recent ‘1in3 Goan
> housesholds living in poverty?’) Yet they are proud
> to be chardis. There are
> some chardis in the area who are goondas   history
> sheeters, some even serving
> life sentence for murder.  Yet they are chardis.
> Cansaulim Church is very notorious for such things-
> I mean Chardi only affair.
> Parish Priests (who themselves are mainly Chardis)
> come and go but  never
> bothered to touch these issues.  I am sure, Bishop
> house Altinho too is full of
> chardis
> The 3  ‘Reis’-  1 each  come from Cansaulim,
> Arossim, Cuelim 
> Usually, starts with Sons first, then grand sons and
> the cycle continues
> (kings age group between 5-10).  See pics

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