           * * * * *                http://www.goanet.org                * * * 
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Stage Play:  ON  THE  HOLY  TRAIL
Staged By:   The Mustard Seed Art Company 
Where:         Kala Academy - Mini Open-air Auditorium
When:          Dec 20 & 21, 2007  @  7pm

Read a Review at:

I would suggest that non-chardi stop participating in the feast! Or have a
parallel feast of their own?! I wonder why anyone would want to be king at
all nowadays! 


-------Mensagem original------- 


De: C Fernandes 

Data: 12/20/07 20:17:42 

Para: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 


Assunto: Re: [Goanet] Cansaulim, 3 kings Feast 


Thank you Nasci. 


I think we need to define the problem before making 

any attempt to solve it. 


What could 'Goa Catholic Church' do to re-solve this 

problem - so that 'Freedom to every Cansaulim-kar 

Parishnor to take part in the celebration of the 

"Three Kings" feast in Cansaulim'? 


Perhaps, Dr. Teotonio R. de Souza 

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> could come up with a solution 

in the New Year 2008 - to celebrate caste-free and 

Gaunkari-free 'Three Kings' feast of Cansaulim. 




--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 



> Hey Joe, 


> U still got it all wrong! 

> Please read my posting properly. U see it is a fact, 

> that only the Gauncar Chaddis are allowed to 

> celebrate 

> and control the Church Funds and administration, 

> because of this Feudal Communidades Sytem. 


> Example, in the village where I come from, only the 

> Gaumkar Caldeiras beloging to the Vangor are allowed 

> to participate and only the gauncar tribes cobtrol 

> the 

> finances et al. My family also Chaddo/chaddi, not 

> descendent from this Gauncar Tribe is not allowed, 

> to 

> participate, even though I used to give huge 

> contributions to Church and other charities, whilst 

> I 

> lived there! 


> That is why I am saying that this Gauncari system of 

> Communidades is the bane of division and apartheid 

> in 

> Goa rather than Caste alone. 


> What I am saying is that: This Feudal Gauncari 

> System 

> and un reformed un democratic Communidaedes system 

> is 

> the root cause of goa's troubles. 

> Sozmollai murre?? 

> Mog assundhi! 


> Nasci Caldeira. 



> --- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


> > Cansaulim, charddi & 3 kings Feast 

> > 

> > Yes, the three Kings must be from Chardi caste 

> (also 

> > knows as gaumcars). 

> > Now who are these chardi? 

> > Mainly, Saldanhas, Vaz, Gracias, Barettos etc of 

> > Cansaulim/Arossim/Cuelim 

> > 

> > Mind you there are Vaz in kunnbi community too in 

> > the area. 

> > Chardi – necessarily mean landlords with large 

> > Portuguese houses ? 

> > 

> > No. There are chardis who are ‘Poder’ and ‘render’ 

> > by profession (bakers & 

> > toddy tapers) yet they are proud to be chardi. 

> Many 

> > chardis are even siphoning 

> > public funds (DSSS) Rs.1000 per month (remember my 

> > recent ‘1in3 Goan 

> > housesholds living in poverty?’) Yet they are 

> proud 

> > to be chardis. There are 

> > some chardis in the area who are goondas history 

> > sheeters, some even serving 

> > life sentence for murder. Yet they are chardis. 

> > 

> > 

> > 

> > Cansaulim Church is very notorious for such 

> things- 

> > I mean Chardi only affair. 

> > 

> > Parish Priests (who themselves are mainly Chardis) 

> > come and go but never 

> > bothered to touch these issues. I am sure, Bishop 

> > house Altinho too is full of 

> > chardis 


> > MHOJE. 

> > 

> > 

> > The 3 ‘Reis’- 1 each come from Cansaulim, 

> > Arossim, Cuelim 

> > Usually, starts with Sons first, then grand sons 

> and 

> > the cycle continues 

> > (kings age group between 5-10). See pics 

> > 

> > 




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