Since most of your questions are fair, I have no problem in answering them.

I prefer my caste-less and liberal cousins because:

As parents they make no effort to marry off their children, whether it is to
Sudras, Dalits Bamons, white Caucasians or anybody else. It is the children
who pick and choose whom they are to marry and I know those children well
enough to say they end up with spouses based on criteria other than
pigmentation and family caste. To ask for further full disclosure would be
violating someone else's privacy, whether they are cousins or not.

The tenor of your post can be gauged from the following phrases you have
a) since their parents make no effort to marry them....
b) have introduced their kids to marriageable partners....
c) have their kids married to white caucasians....

Either you are unaware their Goan children in advanced countries
a) do not need their parents to find someone for them
b) are definitely against their parents introducing them to prospective
spouses (a system that smacks of Indian arranged marriages)
c) would be horrified to discover that their parents feel they are
incapable of finding someone themselves (a blow to their self-esteem)

Or worse still:
Be coerced either overtly or covertly into marrying someone their parents
feel they should marry.

Though your post implies otherwise, I hope that you have not, or will not,
put yourself in the last category.


On Dec 24, 2007 12:55 AM, Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I ask you and others with out pre-judgement to whatever your answer is:
> Is it better that your and other "cousins are completely caste-less,
> liberal and forward looking," and marry non-Goans (since their parents make
> no effort to marry them within the community?  OR
> Is it better that "my ex-Indian cousins are the opposite. They still feel
> that their children should marry within the same caste and have turned all
> stones to make this possible."?
> I wish the anti-casteists (instead of blindly condemning others, including
> the GSB who want to marry within caste / community) state where they and
> their kids are married - in the interest of full disclosure.  Have they
> introduced their children to marriageable partners of the Sudra or Dalit
> class?  Now as we say in America, there is where the rubber meets the
> road.:=))
> Most pseudo-anti-casteist that I know, have their kids married to White
> Caucasians.  You can tell us how many of your "caste-less, liberal and
> forward looking" cousins are married to Sudras and Dalits.

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