You are of course correct, I do not get entangled in areas where I do not have 
much to contribute, if I was an expert on some of these subjects I certainly 
would have input much by now, but I am an avid reader of the majority of posts 
on this forum, for they are the experts in the field, about SEZ especially, 
about casteism, about all things happening in Goa today.
  I still feel that you need to go back to your previous posts & see for 
yourself where you have said things that you have lately done u-turns on & have 
condemned others for their lack of religion, or for the over-zealousness of 
their religion.
  Neither of these are any of your or my business, I do not condemn people for 
their faith, or the lack of it, because it is NOT my business.  You began to 
create a wall around yourself & then proclaimed you were just informing us 
pagans of how we are living, it is wrong of us to like like this and Jesus / 
Mary / etc are the way to salvation.
  If you take care to read what has been written by you and others who also 
critised your posts for its contents (it may help you to read "between the 
lines...........") then you will see my responses & reactions to your posts 
have been justified.
  You may say & do as you please on this forum, " long as it doesnt 
frighten the horses....." & we keep to the subject of Goa..........)  & I am 
quite at liberty to say how I feel towards your comments to me.
  If you did not brazenly critise all & sundry AND place yourself up there 
"........ as an honest joe..." you would not have heard a whisper from me, or 
others on this forum.  
  In future perhaps you should read what you have previously written and then 
compared it to the responses you received, they were created by you.  I dont 
understand why you have to bite back when it is plain as the egg on your face 
that you started the whole debarcle in the first place.
  But as this is your Christmas Day, celebrating 2007 years of the birth of 
Jesus, I wish you & all the posters on this forum well on this day & all the 
following days, into the New Year 2008 onwards........ and I hope that your 
find an easier wasy around your faith, with a little more gusto, perhaps a 
little charitably too would go a long way, and less critism of it, unless you 
prefer to continue to accuse your clergy of diviousness in which case you may 
need to correct that before going anywhere near the feni bottle ever again.
  Next time you post your ancient medicinal advice, please remember that there 
are people out there who may take this as a cure and copy it, possibly doing 
them harm, therefore if you cant help yourself by repeating it all over again, 
put in a warning notice at the begining and end of your posts.  We are not in 
ancient times any more, though some of the homeopathic medicines do copy it, as 
do medical practicioners as there is some truth in the ancient arts, it is by 
no means the only way to cure an illness, be it garlic tied around necks for 
curing "wind in the female gender" (but not in men??), but brighter brains in 
men for drinking feni before writing on Goanet...................... another 
  John Monteiro
  25.12.07.....11.12hrs (UK)

Albert Desouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I hate when people boast. The power 
of man should come from God. If that glorifies God then it is ok but if not 
then you are heading for trouble. Sorry I do not think I have called anyone 
pagan. In the past I have criticized my religion and my 

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