
The Bible makes it clear that living a 'good' life, though necessary to
attain salvation, is not the only criterion. In John, Jesus said, "I am the
way, the truth, and the life." Note the article here is THE, not a. Jesus is
THE way, not a way. Which means that there is NO other way to attain
salvation apart from Jesus Christ. It's surprising that many Christians too
now doubt the validity of Jesus' statement. Among us, who call Jesus God,
there is no doubt that you DO need God to attain salvation. And the rest,
who call Jesus a 'good man', but vociferously deny his divinity, one major
inconsistency. Jesus claimed to be God. In what way was He a good man if he
was lying about his Holiness? Either Jesus was really God, or he was a
megalomaniac. From what we historically know of Him, it's not difficult to
separate truth from fiction.

The Bible, elsewhere, states in Isaiah 64. "All our *righteousness* is like
*filthy rags".
*Every human being is a sinner. None of us conform to God's high standard.
And to think that we can attain our inheritance in His Kingdom by our own
good works, sounds pretty deceitful.
It's strange that we acknowledge God's greatness, but at the same time,
blissfully close our eyes to the huge gap between our and His standards. The
only way to attain eternity is through God Himself.

This is not what I feel, this is what the Bible says. The Bible is the
largest selling bestseller in history. All efforts to destroy the validity
of Biblical claims have been intelligently dealt with. Only one book has
endured over two millenia, and it was written for the common man, not the
intellectuals who form their own idea of religion. All those in the latter
category were severely rebuked by Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago.  The Bible
makes it very clear. And if  the Bible says so, it must be true.

And about those who believe/don't believe in eternal life.
There was a man standing on the Highway. He didn't believe in trucks. He
just stood there, claiming trucks do not exist. When the truck did come, he
was struck dead.
The fact that you don't believe in something does *NOT *change the reality
of that thing.
Both those who do and do not believe in eternal life, will eventually face

In conclusion, might I add it's better to live life thinking there is a God
and then finding out there isn't, than to live like there's no God, and then
finding out there is.

Truth Liberates.
Nigel Britto
On Dec 26, 2007 10:45 PM, Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Edward,
> Here are 2 passages:
> John 14:6
> Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
> the Father except through me.
> Thessalonians 1:8
> He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our
> Lord Jesus.
> Edward, are 2 enough to make the point or do you want more?
> Roland.
> 416-453-3371
> On Dec 25, 2007 3:55 AM, edward desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Hi Roland,
> >  Can you please tell me which part of the Bible says the above?
> >  I want to know the verse and chapter in the BIBLE not the TESTAMENT.
> >  Bible is the BIBLE which applies to every one alike, JEWS, CHRISTIANS
> and
> > bindari.
> >  ED.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >  Sent from Yahoo! - a smarter inbox.
> >
> --
> Roland Francis
> 416-453-3371

Truth Liberates

Peace and Love...


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