I've been following the thread in our net on RELIGION. Let me first say that
I don't know much about religious philosophy nor I am interested either. To
me, no religious conviction is bad but politicizing any religion is very bad
and that all religions must be autonomous and away from politics. It's not
the ordinary people who politicize religion and label other religion as the
evil monster. In fact it's those handful of persons who command authority
and who are paid to work for them are responsible for politicizing the
religion. And poor people - in today's language Aam Admi relinquish their
liberty, freedom and autonomy to the authorities who guide them on religious
affairs. What is funnier is that the same persons later misinterpret and
manipulate the issues for their petty political gains dividing Goans on
religious count and creating intact religious vote banks! 

Goans know all these dirty tricks yet we are all up in arms to cut anyone on
religious matters. Some Goan thinkers who command some intellectual,
academic standing in the society, to whom I call rogues of first order,
devote all their attention, time, money and everything to see that founded
principles of secularism and religious neutrality of our India and our Goa
remains only in papers. They also use their fertile brains (!) to give
communal twist to each and everything that is happening in our Goa. And yet
these same rogues with the help of their paid workers arrange and or sponsor
gatherings, talks, debates, peace meetings, inter religious meets only to
show that they are for communal harmony but behind the back they play their
own dirty games of disrupting communities with sharp religious razors
creating deep impressions in the society that communal harmony is logically

Considering all that is going on in Goa, I sincerely appeal each and every
one in the net to start with constructive thinking rather than being
destructive. Let's use our talent, knowledge and our experience in
re-shaping our already destroyed Goa to bring back good sense and civility.
Let's keep our religion out in this attempt. Don't forget Goans has to do
this NOW or it will be NEVER - beyond anyone's control!  

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

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