wrote : 

Discussing religion is not at all  bad per se as religion is a part of
our day to day lives. However what should be avoided is the kind of
communal hatred and propaganda dished out by the likes of Bhandare,
Vinay and a few others. What is sad is that they do not seem to have any
origiinal thinking or sanctity for facts, but pick up propaganda stuff
from RSS publications without verifying the authenticity as pointed out
by Selma, Santosh, Miguel among others. A glaring example is that on the
inquisition which any good student of history would know was directed
against the Christians and not the Hindus.


My response :

I have no quibble of  discussions on religion and I do not read it in
details as far as it is not concerned to me. But I can not observe smug
silence or go into hibernation  when I read the posts  selectively
vilifying  Hindu organizations based on biased media or unreliable cyber
news  without confirming factual events.  If Hindu organizations can be
questioned and subjected to media trial why is the same activism lacking
in questioning Jehadis or Maoist elements who are spreading terror in
India either for religious or separatist purpose ? 

The fact can not be refuted regarding the gross  brutal  scourge
inflicted by the Portuguese in Goa, which have left permanent bitterness
in the majority Hindu community  with respect to religious intolerance
is evident from several history books. 





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