Hi Nelson,
I have a feeling having met Kevin Saldanha, and having some knowledge
of Goan Canadian intelligentsia (long distance observation), that the
Tononto convention could well be an energizing and constructive one.
Now that I have my thinking cap on, I also believe it could also be a
great conference for socializing and matchmaking. Fortunately, there
are many Goan Candians who are solid thinkers, one Zulema comes to
mind; a broad spectrum of inputs will raise the stakes in what the
convention could offer. But any convention can offer only so much,
before it turns into a jamboree (meant in the sense of confusion).
There could certainly be a section on small business entrepreneurship,
as well as one on lifestyle and sexuality -- the whole shebang; family
planning, breast feeding, domestic violence/abuse including those that
youngsters are getting into, general sense of values etc.

Hi Cornel,
Kevin Saldanha of Toronto, who attended the Lisbon conference, was
instrumental in offering that the next convention be held in Toronto.
A lot about the Lisbon convention was put out on Goanet, including a
piece by Wendell Rodricks. Between the archives and Kevin Saldanha
(mind bogglingly articulate for the par) , I believe one could have
any question regarding the upcomg Goan convention in Toronto,


Cornel DaCosta wrote:
> Hi Nelson
>   Please could you say what was particularly good about the Lisbon Convention 
> and would be useful info for the Toronto Convention?
>  Unfortunately, I could not attend in Lisbon.
>  Cornel DaCosta
> nelson ferrao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Dear All
> Are we going to discuss any matters relating to the state of affairs of
> Goa? or it is going to be a pure social gathering!
> The one organised in portugal was very good and this one should be
> organised on a similar basis.

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