> From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for
>       Orissa
> It is hard to pardon anybody who accuses others of
> resorting to innuendo while admitting his own
> ignorance of the issue. An ignorant man who truly
> wants to find out the details would at least care to
> read Miguel's original Goanet post on it. He would
> learn from the IANS news service report posted by
> Miguel that the Christian Panas people who clashed
> with the Hindu Kandha tribals attacked the swami, and
> the whole thing escalated into mindless violence.

The "attack on the swami" version of events is disputed. Even
assuming that the anti-Christian violence has been "retaliatory"
in nature, its sheer scale is reminiscent of Gujarat violence of
2002 in "retaliation" for Godhra. There is a report at
http://tinyurl.com/2wv5gd, which gives details of casualties and
damages, and calls for a CBI enquiry into the whole thing,
including especially the alleged attack on the swami.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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