--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The "attack on the swami" version of events is
>disputed. Even assuming that the anti-Christian
>violence has been "retaliatory" in nature, its sheer
>scale is reminiscent of Gujarat violence of
>2002 in "retaliation" for Godhra. There is a report
>at http://tinyurl.com/2wv5gd, which gives details of
>casualties and damages, and calls for a CBI enquiry
>into the whole thing, including especially the
alleged >attack on the swami.

Partisans on the opposite side would always dispute
such events. That is why one should not rely on
propaganda pieces and reports written by activists on
one side or the other of such issues. The above tiny
URL link from the well-known Christian activist John
Dayal is from his own partisan perspective. Please
provide us if you can an impartial report from a CBI,
police or judicial inquiry.



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