
This is an obvious dangerous manipulation of the facts
by the other political side in this mess. That is why
it is doubly important for responsible organizations
to report the facts on all sides rather than promote a
partisan agenda. It is a pity therefore that the
religious entity in Goa chose to present a one-sided
picture that served their own agenda and purpose.

This tribal area apparently is a hotbed of aggressive
conversion and re-conversion efforts by both
Christians and Hindus. Imagine two major religions
literally battling with each other in the same
battlefield to indoctrinate people in their competing
esoteric versions of afterlife - simple people whose
entire central concern is basic necessities such as
food and shelter in this one life that they struggle
to live.



From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Jan 6, 2008 2:58 AM
> To: Goanet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is there any truth left in this fundamentalist,
> communalist world?
> Some absolute nonsese at
> Say YES to non-violence and communal harmony. Say NO
> to bigotory and the
> fundamentalists (of all
> types).
> Regards,
> George

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