--- Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Asking Catholics to pray for catholics and hindus to
>pray for hindus is hardly the best way to go about
it. >The wrongs have to be either corrected or
forgiven or >both. Otherwise there can be no lasting
>Religious leaders following the footsteps of
>politicians is hardly the best way to do it.

The actual problem is even worse. Religious leaders
have become politicians, and politicians in turn
religious leaders. The swami talks like a politician,
and appears to be inciting his followers. The
so-called Dayal panel report is so clearly political,
biased and confused that it is hard to imagine any
reasonable person ever being able to trust it. In
fact, it distorts the name of the swami, almost
mockingly calling him Lokhanananda instead of
Laxmanananda. The description of the alleged attack on
the swami is completely botched. The sequence of
events described don't make any sense if one assumes
that in the normal physical reality the arrow of time
points from the past to the future. 

If you want to try to make sense of the events, you
have to assume that there are three Swamis involved
here - one, Laxmanananda who was "attacked" and was
admitted to a hospital in Cuttack according to
independent news reports; another, Lakhmananda who
spent two days in a family planning office at
Daringabadi according to the Dayal report; and a
third, Lokhanananda who learned about the incident
from others, also according to the Dayal report.



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