
The Scheduled Caste status ...and the facilities available thereunder
ONLY  to Hindus ... is an ALLUREMENT [for the SC to remain Hindu] by
the Government using the taxpayers' money. The Buddhists, like
Christians and Muslims do not formally believe in CASTE and hence
should have been denied the SC status. This is not politically
convenient to do for the Neo-Buddhists. They are taken under the Hindu

If providing education, health facilities ...and desperately needed
food in the famine striken tribal belts ALLURMENT, I would
encourage all religious organisations to get ACTIVELY INVOLVED in such

When I wrote that the statement calling the violence against the
Christians in Orissa UNPROVOKED, I meant exactly what I wrote. That it
is not the Truth. There was, as per different news agencies and even
Christian sources, a provocation. No one has controverted that so far.

My statement is NOT to justify the disproportiante VIOLENCE said to be
in retaliation to the provocation. The scale and the target of the
violence was not against the people who 'provoked' it.

My statement is definitely not to negate the good work done by the
Missionaries for hundreds of years. It is an open challenge to anyone
to replicate the good work the missionaries have done ...and CONTINUE
TO DO ...... against all odds. We must stand by the Truth at all
times.... inconvenient though it may be.

Mog asundi.


Since Catholicism was introduced, sometimes violently, by the
Portuguese colonialists in Goa and CONVERSION often meant turning a
puddvem or kasti clad man or a sari clad woman who ate vegetables,
fish, wild boar or deer from Goa into a pant or frock wearing Catholic
who ate sorpotel and beef and went for Sunday mass, many cannot
differentiate the Portuguese state and Roman Catholicism. In other
states of India, the religious converts neither changed their life
styles nor their names. The ONLY CHANGE that is necessary for
conversion is the change of FAITH or belief. A English speaking Hindu
or Muslim girl in a mini skirt be as WESTERN as Madonna or as Paris
Hilton ...but that does not make her a Christian. In fact, I doubt if
half the people with names like Francis, Peter,  Maria, etc strutting
about in Goa are truly Christian in their faith and belief.

Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 14:59:28 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] torture of christians in Orissa

Dear Marshall Mendonza,
   I do appreciate your letter written about the wonderful transformative,
liberative work done by the Christian missionaries in India. They have given
a diferent face to our country by contributing for the uplift of the
downtrodden. But I think that deep down the problem with the critics is not
that there are 'conversions by force', but that there is liberation of the
poor tribals from the clutches of the powerful through Gospel values... That
has been a threat in several places.
  You have well highlighted their contribution in all fields for the
development of India. Congratulations!

> Vinay Natekar wrote:
> I agree with you that conversions are not done by use of violence by
> your Missionaries  but luring the gullible poor illiterate tribal hindus
> by luring them economic benefits, this  coercive religious conversion by
> global evangelical movements are posing  political, social and  ethical
> problems in secular India.

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 11:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] torture of christians in Orissa

> Vinay, you have used strong words. But you need to substantiate your
> statements with concrete and irrefutable proof. Mere allegations do not
> become the truth.
> Religion is a matter of personal choice. You or I are no one to decide
> what religion others want to follow.
> Christians who constitute a mere 2.5 %
> contribute over 70% of the social sector through their network of schools,
> colleges, dispenseries, leprosy homes, medical care centres etc. I could
> go on and on.
> Please note the most literate states in India are those where the
> christian missionaries have been most active eg: Kerala, Goa,
> North -East,Tamiil Nadu, Karnataka This is the kind of contribution that
> the christians have made to the nation. Please do not underestimate the
> role and contribution of christianity to the nation.
> Regards,
> Marshall Mendonza

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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