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> Marshall Mendonza: wrote

> Please note the most literate states in India are those where the 
> christian missionaries have been most active eg: Kerala, Goa, 
> North -East,Tamiil Nadu, Karnataka This is the kind of contribution that 
> the christians have made to the nation. Please do not underestimate the 
> role and contribution of christianity to the nation.
> Regards,
> Marshall Mendonza

Marshall thanks for putting your views about Christian Missionaries in India.
If any country which needs most of it is I think our neighbour Pakistan where 
missionaries have not spread their roots like they did in India. Pakistan badly 
needs service, preechings of Missionaries looking at present scenario there & 
it will be nice if MISSIONaries succeed in their MISSION there. They should 
start  there mission looking for tribal areas in Pak. Definitely they will find 
another Orissa or North-East over there.
Also some missionary schools dont allow Hindu girls to put on Bindi(one that is 
placed on forehead). Your own words go wrong here about freedom of religion.



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