Thanks Floriano-bab 
for your motivational appreciation.
I value it as it comes from a proactive person like you.

Since 1994, I moved away from activism 
to first doing theatre
and then playing a educator's role in the rural areas
to connect people with science, environment and their own potentials.
2006 brought me back into activism, first in CICH and then GBA.
First, I stuck to the educators role, but got pushed to the frontline.

there's a job to be done 
and we are all doing what we can to save our land and our people!
Together we shall over come the hurdles in our path!

in solidarity

----- Original Message ----
From: Floriano - Goa Suraj Party [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Pravin,
For many years I knew you by name. And I have detected a sane person in you
all those years through your writings. I had even chatted you on phone at
times. But I could only match the face to the voice  at Lohia Maidan when I
attended the SVM  anti-SEZ meet in December' 2007.

Your Monday Muse (Jan 7' 2008) is very much appreciated. I have felt that  I
am one of the Pedros that you are talking about. I started as a conscious
citizen for years to clean some of the dirt created by bad governance. Then
I coaxed some of my friends to  jump  the next step UP (not down) with me
holding hands when I helped form Goa Environmental Action Group in 1997.
Then I coaxed a few of Goa's friends (not mine) to help me jump another step
UP holding hands when GEAG graduated to become a political party (Goa
Su-Raj) in the year 2000. The progress has been slow since our jumps are
against the gravity  making sky-diving a much easier and fun filled job. The
next jump for which we are engaged in practices and tries is the final jump
to the Goa Legislative Assembly, a jump that will be achieved holding a
multitude of Goan hands. When that feat is achieved, most of the conscious
citizens of Goa and those Groups of people who call themselves  NGOs who are
doing a 'commendable job' of cleaning up the mess left behind by our
political masters will exhale a big sigh of relief. For they will be able to
pack their bags and go home to do better things in life which they have
always wanted to do, like watering their vegetable patches in the home
garden instead of cleaning up  the smelly mess that  somebody else has left
Goa Su-Raj guarantees GOA a lot of unemplyment.

Cheers and keep on writing.


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