Dear Fr.Ivo,

Sorry for the late reply. If you thought I'd given up, I haven't... :-)

You said :> All human beings have the law in themselves, not without the
activity of God in them. Faith with knowledge is better.
Better that what? It implies that faith without knowledge is also
acceptable. That is called blind faith. The ancient people had faith without
knowledge. The people who believed in Baal, and all those weird gods who's
names I don't really remember. That did not please God. The ancient people
built idols and had faith in them (an earlier kind of human-invented
religion). We know how pleased God was with them.

You also said :> That is the reason
why we have to proclaim the Truth, salvation by Jesus. It is always a
'narrow road', that of sacrifice for all, whether they are believers or
atheists or agnostic.

But then as you said, faith without knowledge is also acceptable, right? I
mean, in your last few mails, you've been saying that we have an obligation
to witness, but haven't quite stated the reason why. On one hand, your
argument is that all get saved, irrespective of whether they know Jesus or
not, and yet you say, we have an obligation to witness. What's the point?
Isn't it an exercise in futility, if the end result is going to be the same
in anycase?

I never really did understand the concept of atheism, because, the very
existence of the atheists proves the existence of God. When I first heard of
atheists, my first thoughts were, how can you not believe in something you
don't believe exists?
Agnosticism is a more understandable concept, since you doubt the existence
of God. (PS, this definition changes, according to what kind of agnostic
you're talking to). And if you talk about the sacrifice for 'all', extending
to atheists and agnostics, it really defies the concept of the narrow gate.
Infact, it renders the Biblical notion of narrow gate obsolete. If I may
quote a Scripture, Matthew 20:28 says, The Son of Man did not come to be
served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many". Note the
word used is many, not all...

Then you said, The Gentiles have the law in their hearts. But if they do not
glorify God, sinning against their light, they are convicted. I don't know
about people having the law in their hearts, and anyway I wouldn't trust the
conscience as a just evaluator of good and bad. After all, we're only human,
and as you said, All have fallen short of the Glory of God, which implies
that however good/bad we are, we're light years away from God's Holy
standards. The conscience may or may not be God's voice. No comments on

And about the scipture you quoted, Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and
come short of the glory of God", that implies we need to bridge that gap.
How do we do that?
The answer is in the very next statement, Romans 3:24. "Being justified
freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus". Need I
say more?

You later made the statement that Christian life is very difficult, but
God's Grace is always there. We are too selfish. That is the drama (or
tragedy) of our lives. I agree with that statement. [ This seems to be the
first statement that we agree on :-) ]

Later about the astrology thing, you said that "They found God in the nature
and in the Scriptures. This is a 'foretelling' of the conversion of the
Gentiles." How is it a foretelling? It's just an instance. After that
incident, did everybody go and somehow follow stars/planets/astrology and
meet Jesus? No they didn't.

Then you quoted that the Church teaches about salvation of non-Christians.
The Church did not originally hold this teaching. It suddenly changed its
stance sometime during the century. God's Word doesn't change. I do not know
the basis or, as you say, 'background' of the Church's teaching of Salvation
of non-Christians. I would appreciate if you would post a link to
what/how/when/why the Church came up with that. It might not convince us,
but would definitely enlighten us on why people believe the things they do.

Lastly, to copy paste from your post,

>> Know Jesus, Know Life. No Jesus, No Life.
*Therefore, we have the duty of proclaiming.  All people have the duty of
searching meaning for life and living according to their light. God does the

This is NOT what I meant whan I said Know Jesus, Know Life. No Jesus, No
I meant that Eternal Life is ONLY through Jesus Christ, and without Him,
it's not attainable. And then you mentioned about proclaiming, which
contradicts your earlier statements about salvation for non-Christians

Truth Liberates
Nigel Britto

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