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--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have to learn how to defend our faith in God.

I think what theists such as Christians, Muslims and
Hindus, and atheists such as Jains, Buddhists, New
Atheists and Secular Humanists, need to learn is to
show some intellectual honesty in defending their

They cannot affirm their agreement with the consensus
view that science cannot prove or disprove the
existence of a deity, and in the same breath claim
that modern science provides evidence for their own
version of god(s) or his/her/their absence. 

Unfortunately, this is what is being done repeatedly
on Goanet and elsewhere by some authors. Before the
present instance, there was the case of Dinesh D'Souza
(posted here by someone) who claimed in his latest
book that the Big Bang theory and the theory of
evolution prove the existence of the Christian God.
There are other kinds of ridiculous books published by
Hindus, Buddhists and New Atheists touting the fiction
that modern scientific findings support their
particular views.

What would it take for these people to respect the
simple truth with some degree of consistency and
honesty that science by its very nature is indifferent
to their parochial religious beliefs?



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