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Dear Dr.Santosh Helekar,

>> We have to learn how to defend our faith in God.
> I think what theists such as Christians, Muslims and
> Hindus, and atheists such as Jains, Buddhists, New
> Atheists and Secular Humanists, need to learn is to
> show some intellectual honesty in defending their
> faith.
*Certainly, we should know why we have faith in God and believe in Christian 
Faith is not irrational, not based on "indoctrination" of our parents (term 
which may be offensive).
There are grounds of credibility.

> They cannot affirm their agreement with the consensus
> view that science cannot prove or disprove the
> existence of a deity, and in the same breath claim
> that modern science provides evidence for their own
> version of god(s) or his/her/their absence.

>*We have to learn to defend our faith in God as you are trying to defend
>your faith in non-existence of God,-- for you also of gods (since you
>'believed in them' in your childhood from parents 'indoctrination' (if  I
>am not wrong),-- from the perspective of natural science alone. I never 
>it. On the contrary, I am repeating that creationism and concordism cannot
>be accepted. Thanks for helping us to do that...

> Unfortunately, this is what is being done repeatedly
> on Goanet and elsewhere by some authors. Before the
> present instance...
*If you refer to me, then you have wrongly misunderstood me.
I have repeated that the question of ultimate causes should be dealt with
by philosophy and theology, not by natural sciences...It goes beyond the 
power of science...

<< there was the case of Dinesh D'Souza
> (posted here by someone) who claimed in his latest
> book that the Big Bang theory and the theory of
> evolution prove the existence of the Christian God.
*I only referred to efforts in this direction and mentioned Marshall.  I do 
not defend creationism.
Theory of evolution cannot directly prove the existence of God, but through
the metaphysical principle of causality which is self-evident principle and
is used also in empirical sciences. Theory of evolution is a scientific
'theory' or 'model', which can be discarded, whereas the metaphysical
principles cannot be discarded. But evolution can be integrated with the
theological concept of Creation. Creation does not contradict evolution. We 
speak in this sense of "creative evolution".
I follow the model of dialogue and integration between Science and Religion, 
not conflict model.

<> There are other kinds of ridiculous books published by
> Hindus, Buddhists and New Atheists touting the fiction
> that modern scientific findings support their
> particular views.
>*I do not know about it. Support in what way? What views?

> What would it take for these people to respect the
> simple truth with some degree of consistency and
> honesty that science by its very nature is indifferent
> to their parochial religious beliefs?
> *Yes, science should not go beyond its limits. I do agree with you.
What do you mean by 'parochial religious beliefs'?

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