I have made my protest clear on the comments page. This has been going on for some time now, but for NDTV to promote MF Hasain is an insult to all Hindu-practicising peoples & also those of other religions. To debase another person's God or other deities is not a decent thing to do.

I can well imagine what blasphemy laws would be brought out & the culprit charged & imprisoned (or hanged or stoned to death) in some countries.

But to nominate this so-called artist a prize for this disgusting work is sheer lunacy. I find his (where the subjects ARE clothed, who just happen to be his relatives or those of other faiths, except those who are Hindu deities, which for whatever wharped reasoning he has painted all in the nude, in various poses, which are tantamount to being lunacy on his part), his paintings not at all done well, NDTV will not be a News channel I will follow or watch while this alien nomination is still valid.

John Monteiro

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