> From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Pamphlet Circulated for Hindu Dharmajagruti
>        Sabha - protest against MF Husain !!

> To Goanet -
> Hussein wouldn't dare sketch a portrait of Allah or Prophet
> Mohammed for he well knows the outcome of such indulgence,
> and the prospect of a missing body part or a bomb going
> off under his feet is not one he would find pleasant to contemplate.

Rajan cannot be wrong on this count, and his point is irrefutable base
on known evidence -- which is non-existent, as in no known portraits
of Allah, and his Prophet (PBUH). As far as one knows, Maqbool Fida
Hussain has never exhibited a rendition of the Prophet (PBUH), leave
alone one of Allah. Lord help us then. Perhaps in his mind's eye but
not one -- we, or his brethren are aware of. I presume he is a
practicing Muslim, Too many of us today practice cultural expressions/
aspects of the religions we were born into.


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