Thanks to all those who responded on this topic. I will ignore the usual 
suspects and respond to some interesting points made by Pravin, Venantius and 

George, I am sorry for having misread you. Which war is just and which one is 
unjust is itself a difficult question. That bein said my point was that if 
killing a fellow human being is a crime then all our certified "heroes" like 
bhagat singh and others should be treated on par with Godse. Do you agree with 
this ?

Venantius, i am glad that you agree with me.The reason i called Godse a 
"misguided patriot" is simply because of a lack of any other good term. In fact 
because godse killed Gandhi , Gandhism got a fresh lease of life. Had Gandhi 
been allowed to experiment with his ideas maybe Gandhism would have died a 
quicker death.I would rather want gandhism dead than Gandhi.
Interestingly gandhi himself had called Chatrapati shivaji, rana pratap and 
Guru Gobind Singh as "misguided patriots" himself. 
Pravin, can you please explain why Bhagat singh is a hero and Godse isnt? Godse 
too died at the young age of 39. Lke Bhagat singh he refused to plead innocent 
and forbid anyone from filing a mercy petition on his behalf. Both acted to 
safeguard their country. I am curius where and why you draw the line.

In fact the administration acted cruelly in Godse's case and refused to hang 
him in Pune thereby deprivng his old parents a chance to meet him for the last 
The date was kept secret and the ground where he was hanged was ploughed over 
to revent a memorial coming up at the spot.
The Congress government proscribed his brothers writings and stiffled all 
discussin about the man and vilified him no end.
The RSS was accused of being complicit and banned and so was savarkar. Bothe 
were acquitted honorably because evidence suggested Godse was acting alone.The 
ban was lifted to.




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