Dear Dr.Gilbert Lawrence,
My aim in writing in this Forum was to tell not to meddle in the field of Bible and Theology and attack Christian Faith in the name of Science.

<<You wrote: > Thus the practicing doctors need the theoreticians; and the theoreticians need the clinicians. So too is the relation between religion and science. These two very independent disciplines need each other to keep both groups honest and striving to be better.
*My contention is that there is no conflict between Science and Religion.
<< As stated, the philosophical and theoretical constructs are merely concepts in an individual's mind. At the time in history, they may best explain the observed facts. As these observations change with time and improved technology, these constructs in retrospect may look ridiculous. Yet for a time they served a purpose to understand/explain events till other data was available or our understanding evolved. Our future is built on our past. And today will be the past of tomorrow. *Intuitive principles of Philosophy and revealed tenets of Religion do remain. Scientific hypotheses can be revised and replaced or improved.

<> I would give only two cents for the opinion of a clergy regarding science; and the same amount to the scientists for their opinion on God and religion. And perhaps the non-experts in these two fields would have to pay me to read their views.:=)) *You are giving too little for my knowledge of Science. I was also trying to 'relativize' the absolutizing claims of a 'scientist' in the name of Science and 'agnosticism'... You should not give the same amount, which is too much, to scientists who are delving into Religion without any 'literacy'. On the contrary, you should penalize them...they have to pay for our views too... (in a lighter vein). This is a secular Forum, open to all, where nobody should attack Religion in the name of Science, without an adequate knowledge...
Thank you for your remarks!

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