Fr. Ivo's latest installment, appended below, once
again clearly shows that not being a scientist, he
consistently misunderstands what scientists like the
noted evolutionary biologist Francisco Ayala and
myself write about science. 

I must tell you that the direct response of Francisco
Ayala to Fr. Ivo's email made my day. His response
nicely demonstrates that Fr. Ivo's earlier claim that
Ayala was speaking about "faith in scientific
experiments" is entirely bogus. Please note that Ayala
does not respond directly to Fr. Ivo's following
appeal to this false claim:

"Dear Professor Francisco Ayala,
I would like to know whether we can say that
'belief/faith' has a role to play in scientific
......Fr. Ivo

Ayala avoids agreeing with the explicit statement that
"belief/faith has a role to play in scientific
experiments", even after being led to do so by Fr.
Ivo. Understandably, as an ex-Catholic priest Ayala
merely says that "Religious faith and beliefs may
motivate and inspire scientific research (as well as
any other activities)". 

Another noteworthy statement of Ayala is the

"And: surely we use Popper's "falsification criteria"
to test evolutionary hypotheses".
......Franciso Ayala

Those who have followed Fr. Ivo's recent posts might
remember that he had expressed disbelief in the above
fact. Fr. Ivo's exact quote from that post is:

"*Gratuitous denial of the statement. Yet I told you
that a scientist works with assumptions and biases,
with beliefs and phenomena. That is 'faith' in
the common acceptance of the word (I do not refer to
theological faith)... Can you use Karl Popper's
falsification criterion for evolutionary theories?"
............Fr. Ivo 
(Please see

Please note the rhetorical question at the end - a
question that I had answered in the affirmative in my
response, just like Ayala. I had also provided actual
observations that, if made, would falsify the
Darwinian evolutionary theory (Please see

So yet again, it is clear that, not being a scientist,
Fr. Ivo does not understand such basic scientific
notions about important concepts like evolution. A
similar lack of understanding with regard to me, as a
scientist, and with regard to my scientific
skepticism, is also evident in the rest of what he has
written in the post appended below. 

Please also note his second attempt to put the word
"superstition", which he had used in a post four years
ago (in January 2004), in my mouth today, by taking it
out of that old context. As I had told you a few days
ago, he was not able to find any recent post of mine
using that word or the word "hallucination" in the
present context.



--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <<Also Dr.Santosh accused me of reading more than
> Prof.Francisco Ayala said 
> in his interview.
> I reproduce here the e-mail of Professor Francisco
> Ayala in answer to my
> question:
> "Dear Professor Francisco Ayala,
>   I would like to know whether we can say that
> 'belief/faith' has a role to play in scientific
> experiments.
>   Thanks!
>   Regards.
>   Fr.Ivo"
> "Dear Fr. Ivo:
> Religious faith and beliefs may motivate and inspire
> scientific research (as
> well as any other activities). Scientific research
> and knowledge concern
> natural phenomena explained by natural processes.
> Science cannot prove the
> existence or non-existence of God.
> And: surely we use Popper's "falsification criteria"
> to test evolutionary
> hypotheses".
> Best wishes,
> Francisco Ayala"
> Answer: <>When I said in one of my postings: "Many
> have a positivistic 
> tendency to
> emphasize science and reduce
> > >religion to a superstition", Dr.Santosh retorted:
> "This is by and large a
> > >good strategy, as long as you exhibit
> > tolerance and congeniality towards people who
> disagree with you, and
> > respect their right to believe". Did I "create
> from nothing" his idea of
> > treating Religion as 'superstition'?

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