On 07/02/2008, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To Goanet -
> Sachin Phadte wrote:
> >I do not think there is a single temple in Goa with nude carvings.
> There are.  Among them is the not-so-well-known Brahmani
> temple in the village of Toldem located in northern Sanguem
> taluka.

There's the 'nagdo betaal' at Loliem in Canacona?

Anyway, I suspect we're missing the point by allowing the
fundamentalists to set the agenda, again.

Firstly, artists should have artistic freedom (without it being
decided upon by the mullahs -- whether they are Christian, Hindu,
Muslim, secular, atheist, agnostic or whatever). Secondly, it's hard
to compare religions, and what is 'good' and 'bad' in them, since each
is so different in its origins, its influences, its roots. Thirdly,
it's best if reform comes from within the religion, rather than we
preaching how *others* should reform. Fourthly, I think there are far
more important things that contemporary religion (and society,
including those who are irreligious or non-religious) need to focus on
rather than the saratorial preferences of our god(s). FN

PS: I think if we dig deep enough, we can find a lot of embarassing
things about our own religions/non-relgiions/ideologies. So should we
focus on just embarassing one-another, and raising religious
controversy, rather than taking up more serious issues? Personally, I
find nothing surprising with god(s) from 2000 or so years back (or
even 500 years ago) who had a different set of standards from what we
believe in today, whether it is about their clothes or the size of
their beards and moustaches. Not to speak of the wings of the

Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
The Goa books blog: http://goabooks.wordpress.com
Goa1556 (alt.publishing.goa): http://goa1556.goa-india.org
  • Re... Rajan P. Parrikar
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
      • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
        • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
      • ... sonia gomes

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