--- "Frederick [FN] Noron  ha * फ्रेड 
रिक न  ोरोंया"

> it's best if reform comes from within the religion,
> rather than we
> preaching how *others* should reform. Fourthly, I
> think there are far
> more important things that contemporary religion
> (and society,
> including those who are irreligious or
> non-religious) need to focus on
> rather than the saratorial preferences of our
> god(s). FN

Dear FN,

I like your pacifism. However when those rose-tinted
glasses of yours turn to dark shades of denial, I have
to call you on it.

To take your first point, that change should come only
from within and not without. Assume a man is sick. He
being acquainted with his body, may know where his
general discomfort stems from. He may even be able to
prescribe some basic remedy for his illness, but it
goes against the grain of rational thought that he
won't need a doctor and that a doctor won't be able to
advise him better.

Why should reform in religion only come from within?
Indeed, a study of history will prove you wrong when
you state that reform comes from within religion.
Because religion tends to be so dogmatic, disallowing
for even the most sympathetic inquiry into an
alternative thought-process, religion successfully
culls departure from dogma and subsequent reform. 

Reform when it comes always comes from association
with another culture, another point of view, advances
in technology, the necessities of economics, the
sexual and emotional desires of the human species, and
finally because inherent reason and humanity combine
to realise the folly of their religions. So to all
those that question religion, their own and that of
others, do so without guilt, but do so without malice
and the intent of disrespecting fellow human being.

As to your second point, there are more important
things that religion. Not at the moment FN. Religion
at this point in our history, literally will decide
what the next great adventure in our homosapien lives
will be.


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  • Re... Rajan P. Parrikar
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
      • ... Carvalho
    • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
      • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
        • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
      • ... sonia gomes

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