Sachin Phadte wrote:
I stand corrected that there are no temples in Goa with nude carvings. There 
are, however, two issues. One is the rule and the exception.

The second, and more important, is whether the nude/erotic paintings/carvings 
in Hindu temples are those of the Hindu gods and goddesses. M F Husain has 
painted the Hindu deities in this manner, and that is what is objectionable.


1. These paintings were done over 40-50 years ago and displayed in numerous art 
galleries. Why the protest now if not with some ulterior motive.
2. The exhibition of Hussain's paintings are being held by those who purchased 
his paintings a long time ago. Why no protests against these organisers? Is it 
because they are Hindus and Hussain a muslim?
3.Only an artist can understand and appreciate true art as with music. To a 
layman, even a nude statue or picture can be offensive. The context is 
4. If you know even a little bit of Hussain or his themes, you find find all 
his paintings and themes are based on Indian conditions and environment and 
culture. Unlike other artists like F N Souza who made a name overseas, Hussain 
has been India centric.
5. A famous Goan painter Angelo Da Fonseca (who was my neighbour) used to paint 
Christ, Mother Mary and other Christian themes in an Indian context. I remember 
at that time, there were many christians who found it objectionable. Art like 
beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
6. Even for arguments sake, if one finds Hussain's paintings of Hindu deities 
offensive, there are civil ways of protesting. Hounding him with threats of 
violence, filing sundry criminal cases all over the country, inciting hatred 
are no way of protesting in a civil society.
7.Doesn't the sangh parivar find Valentine's Day offensive? Why blame Hussain 
for the fundamentalist mindset?

Marshall Mendonza

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