Albert, thank you for the first part of your post. I was informed the thread 
had been closed, so six of my comments to 6 posts were rejected because I had 
either changed the heading on the subject line, or it was inappropriate, or for 
other reasons, all explained to me.
  But of course I am not a Catholic so was not permitted to commment on this 
further, but I congratulate you to take this further and express precisely what 
has been said, that we do not interfere in other peoples religions, no matter 
what denomination we are from.
  And also your further point that we ought to be concentrating more on the 
naked human being, since he too has no clothes, no food or other means of 
support, whether in Goa or other parts of India, which are North East South, a 
sort of "NES" since there is no West of Goa worth considering, unless we again 
try to condemn the Offshore Casinos, in which case, it would then be "NEWS" & 
therefore appropriate for this forum..................... 
  I wish you well in your future posts, you appear to be one of the more 
sensible ones, keeping on the edges so as not to rock the boat too much, but 
say enough to upset it, thus escaping the wrath of more senior members of this 
forum, as a good Catholic that you are.
  Best wishes to you
  John Monteiro

Albert Desouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Goanetters

Some one wrote that some of the hindu gods are nude. I would request our 
christian goanetters to learn to respect the people created by Almighty God and 
not to criticise their gods in any way............... Albert.


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