> From: "Bosco - Goanet Volunteer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Parrikar v/s Parrikar

These are some very good ideas from Bosco. Some suggestions.

> Having said that, I think we should all understand, rather, try to 
> understand that Goanet was not setup 14 years ago as a platform for 
> politicians to exploit for propaganda purposes. On the flipside Goanetters 
> and citizens have indulged in propaganda, since the earliest days of Goanet. 
> We've heard it all - pro-Salazarist, anti-Portuguese, pro/anti-Congress, 
> pro/anti-BJP, pro/anti-Goa Suraj, pro/anti-Catholic, pro/anti-Hindu, etc, 
> etc.....


So if somebody wants to conduct an interview with Manohar
Parrikar, do so. But do it under the aegis of Parrikarnet or
BJPnet or DrAnandnet or whatever, not goanet. Then after
conducting this interview the link to the audio/video can be
posted on Goanet. Just as all the propaganda Bosco alludes to
above is posted. NOT as a goanet initiative, but under the name of
the person making the post.

Also, if you want to select the questions and questioners from
goanet, that's fine, select them from wherever you want. The way
this whole thing has been pitched makes it sound as if it'll end
up being projected as an 'official' goanet initiative. Therefore,
Goanet would be well advised to start posting a disclaimer: "This
interview has nothing to do with Goanet. Those organising the
interview selected their questions and questioners from Goanet,
but this should not be construed that Goanet has anything to do
with all this."

> #2) In all fairness, Manohar Parrikar must answer ALL questions that are put 
> up by Goanetters not just the ones that will embellish his propaganda. He is 
> a politician and we understand that. A transcript of all questions received 
> must be posted on Goanet ahead of the interview.

Bosco, however sincerely this is organised, there are going to be
allegations of propaganda and bias. Which is why it appears best
that Goanet distance itself from the initiative.

> #4) Goanet Admin would like a say in the constitution of the moderators 
> panel and the attendees at the interview. As the one who came up with the 
> thought of conducting this interview, you cannot abrogate this right to 
> yourself and use Goanet at the same time. There are several vocal/silent 
> Goanetters that Goanet can select from - people with diverse views to be a 
> part of this panel.

This is not advisable, IMHO. It again makes this an 'official'
goanet initiative.

In fact we need to ask ourselves what the purpose of goanet is.
The endless political squabbling that goes on here now is getting
terribly tedious, so much so that this mailgroup is now becoming
unreadable. Goanet used to be a fun place where all kinds of
entertaining stuff used to appear, and there used to be many kinds
of debate; now no longer, it's degenerating into a
Parrikar-good/Parrikar-bad, Digu-good/Digu-bad  etc. forum.

Not suggesting in any way that political discussion should not
take place on goanet, I love political discussion myself, and the
political discussions on goa can be entertaining! But the problem
is that now it appears that people are not prepared to say their
piece and then hold their peace, instead they go on and on and on
and on...ad nauseum. Just look at the archives for the past month.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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