Dear Editor,

On his birthday, last week, the Chief Minister of Goa appealed to the
citizens not only to criticize him when he makes mistakes, but to also
praise him for the good decisions that he makes.  So far well and good.  Our
Chief Minister deserves praise for the firm stand that he has taken on the
SEZs.   In spite of many pressures from powerful industrial lobbies,
including the ASSOCHAM, he has reiterated his stand that he will not allow
any SEZs in Goa because the citizens of Goa are firmly against it.    The
argument of the ASSOCHAM appears to be silly in the sense that  Goa's
existing Industrial Policy does not exclude the possibility of new
industries being set up here.  What the people don't want is "foreign"
enclaves which fall outside the operation of the Rules and Regulations which
are normally applicable to all industries.  The SEZ concept is deplorable
because it seeks to give the industries complete immunity from the normal
operations of the Law, while getting all the benefits of cheap land and free
infrastructure facilities.   The manipulation by industrial lobbies has been
exposed, and the Chief Minister is right to firmly reject the call to review
his policy on SEZs.   Secondly,  the C.M. has to be commended on his firm
decision to have all heavy vehicles (both passenger as well as cargo) fitted
with speed governors.    Although all the accidents in Goa are not caused
exclusively by speeding heavy vehicles,  it is a good first step to insist
that all such vehicles be fitted with speed governors.   Concurrently, the
C.M. should tone up the functioning of the traffic police to come down
heavily on other speeding vehicles like the two wheelers which are driven by
maniacal youth without any care for the lives and safety of pedestrians.
Motorcycles ploughing into stationery trucks and into trees and lighting
poles are a stark example of the reckless driving by irresponsible youth.
This must also be stopped.    So it is not enough for the C.M. to sit back
after he has implemented his decision to have speed governors installed in
all heavy transport vehicles.

            Another important piece of advice for the C.M.  It is humanly
impossible for him to serve on every single Task Force or Committee that he
sets up.   He has his own work laid out for him, without being drawn into
the nitty-gritty of discussions by the several Task Forces which he has set
up.    Quite obviously these Task Forces have to report back to him, and he
will have an opportunity to review their findings and suggestions.  As C.M.
he does not need to task himself beyond human endurance.   This tradition of
the C.M. being the Chair of every Committee and Task Force set up by him
needs to be scrapped - and with immediate effect.   

            We would like to remind the C.M. that it is not enough to be a
"good fellow" in order to succeed.  It is also necessary (repeat: necessary)
to be capable and efficient.   One does not make a good C.M. just by being a
likable chap.   It still holds true that the road to hell is paved with good
intentions;  and our C.M. should be aware (as he already is) that his every
step is being watched by the wolves who seek to dislodge him from his chair
at the first available opportunity.   We wish him well.


Yours truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.

Tel:  2453628.  

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