There is a general feeling that Parriker is a BJP
moderate. Leaving aside Parriker's own sins of
commission and omission, let us not forget, Parriker
is part of a larger party, one that has never been
able to reign in its extremists.

The fact of the matter is, the BJP gives expression to
that which is most vile in Indian society, and
legitimizes that which is irrational (such as the sale
of cow urine as medicine) and immoral (communalisation
of Indian society).

Thomas Friedman, well versed in the Middle East,
writes tellingly of Arab countries and the rise of
Muslim fanaticism. It is not merely a material poverty
that drives them, but more so a poverty of ideas. It
is this same poverty of ideas that drives the BJP,
from wanting to revise school curriculums, control
women, create an ideology of Hindu victim-hood, and
define the national ethos of India on their redundant

Ofcourse India needs an empowered Opposition. Every
mature democracy does, but an empowered Opposition
must display as much integrity as the ruling party. It
serves the people, not itself. I once watched an
interview between Manohar Joshi and a BBC reporter.
After quizzing him about Sai baba, he lost his temper
and asked her, "do you know who I am?". Yes, Mr Joshi,
we know who you are. You are nothing more than a
servant of the public that elected you. Arrogance is
the calling card of the BJP.

Nehru and Gandhi will always be Indian icons to me,
their image never to be tarnished by revisionist
historians. I learnt about them from the British. It
seems British historians have treated them far more
kindly than our own do these days. There is however,
another icon amidst us today. That is Bilkis Bano. The
former defined the contours of our great democracy,
the story of Bilkis Bano will define the content of
what we do with our democracy from here on. (No, this
great line is not my own, it is roughly paraphrased
from Thomas Friedman writing in another context.)


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