                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Neither of us know what the questions were, or at least I do not. My
views had strictly to do with adddresing Jerry Fernandes and not
merely ignoring his question or saying, "Its cool that India is the
sixth most popular country in the world." I have no clue as to who
Jerry Fernandes is, and I am sure there will be others who will post
such questions; but that question deserved my kind of a response. I do
not wish to get into statistical reasoning, but do know enough to say
that data, and data towards certain opinions is often made to fit a

But if it is important to believe India's popularity, and that we
should take the "WASHINGTON (Agencies)" excerpt from Jerry Fernandes
at face value -- I concede. It does not hurt me to concede, since it
gives me a better sense than I thought of how we see things. One
example, "The news report that I read said that 55% of the respondents
viewed China negatively and 42% positively. I do not think this data
would indicate love." The data simply indicates that MORE people
viewed China negatively. Why bring in love in -- is this some kind of
qualitative analysis?
On another note, I finally see that the largely the topics that seems
to run well on Goanet are politics as in governing the state, and
Valmiki Faleiro's columns. Thanks heavens for those columns becuase no
matter what (rain or shine, joy or depressin, I would think) they give
one and all (people from every political motivation and those who are
independent), glimpses into the near Goan past, while pointing towards
the future of our making.

This is my last post on "India, sixth 'Wonder' of Americans."


> From: Sachin Phadte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] India, sixth 'Wonder' of Americans

> Venantius Pinto says: "I see Indians as reasonably proud people, but I do not 
> see Indian politicians from the same mould."
> I do not know what exactly are the questions that were asked of the persons 
> interviewed, but would it not be safe to presume that the opinion sought is 
> of the Indians as a whole, and NOT of the politicians?
> In his earlier message, Venantius said: "But despite such acts of 
> belligerence and a fascinating insult to itself,they still love the Chinese."
> The news report that I read said that 55% of the respondents viewed China 
> negatively and 42% positively. I do not think this data would indicate love.
> In case of India the respective figures are 22% and 69%.
> Sachin Phadte

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