Dear John,

If you google "Casimiro Monteiro Goa", you will get quite a lot of
information on CM who it is said was an agent of the dreaded PIDE
(Policia International de Defense do Estada), the equivalent of USA's
CIA or Israel's Mossad.

I personally do not know much about Agente Monteiro besides the fact
that he was both reviled and revered in the Goa of the Portuguese
years depending on who was affected. I copy some passages in Floriano
Vaz's Sunday Ramblings that I found on the internet whose conclusion
was that Agente Monteiro dispensed speedy justice. All I know of
Agente Monteiro is what I heard of him from people and from a Konkani
tiatr of the same name (one of the 2 or 3 tiatrs in my life) staged in
Byculla Bombay when I was 15 years old.

Your best bet would be Dr. Teotonio D'Souza the Goan historian who
often posts on Goanet and has his own Goa Research website. CM figures
in one of his research papers (as I see from Google) which are mostly
in Portuguese.

There are several people on Goanet who may come forward to give you
information. Among them will be our Alfred Tavares (there are few
people in Goa of those days that he doesn't know) and Valmiki Faleiro
whose propensity for researching his various articles is well known.

Here is Floriano's Sunday Rambling:

 It seems that one timber merchant cum timber contractor was operating
his very successful timber business in Goa supplying timber to various
outlets, timber such as teak wood, which was freely available in
forested areas of Valpoi etc. This contractor is believed to have been
operating in a dubious manner, where, he would get the forest
department's mandatory clearance to cut say 50 teak trees, but would
actually cut 100 or more. And this was not without the connivance of
the officials of the forest department who were kept happy by this
contractor with ample gifts during Ganesh, Divali and Christmas
festivals. It is believed that one such upright lower official of the
forest department had the courage to send back such a gift from this
contractor, not because he wanted a better and a more expensive one,
but merely because he disliked to be bribed and taken for granted. Due
recognition was registered by the contractor in this particular case
which was considered as an insult. Things started to get out of hand
gradually as the contractor was denuding the government forests of its
teak trees to the extent that an anonymous letter reached the desk of
the brand new and very young Director of forests by the name of Maciel
Chaves, first out of college from Lisbon, having been deputed to take
charge in Goa, ratting on the deeds of the timber contractor who
hailed from Marcel-Goa. The director was duly warned that the
personnel of his department could not be trusted and could be on the
payroll of the contractor. It is believed that young Chaves started
making clandestine inspection trips to the scenes of the crime ,
talking to people etc. This, having alarmed the contractor, he made
contact with the Azad Gomantak Dal, which was then making regular
incursions into Goa as satyagraha strikes, to have this young Director
assassinated. A 'supari', as it is known in ordinary parlance. The
unfortunate thing actually happened. The young Director was shot dead
during one of AGD's incursions into Goa. I am told that a tearful
funeral service of this young Director was conducted at the chapel of
the old GMC complex at Campal, which complex is now renovated for the
IFFI-04. Perhaps the body was taken to Portugal for burial.

With Casimiro Monteiro in charge (Agente Monteiro as he was called),
the investigations into this murder was conducted on a war footing,
given the efficiency of the Portuguese Police. It seems that the
timber contractor from Marcel was duly picked up in the middle of the
night and taken in. The intensive interrogation is believed to have
lasted for almost a month when the accused died in custody. Same
night, it is believed that Casimiro Monteiro and two of his guards
carried a bundle, hardly considered as a human body, tied up in a
bedsheet, to the contractor's home in the dead of the night. The home
people having been woken, were ordered to conduct the funeral rites of
the remains there and then without allowing the sheet to be unwrapped
. Agente Monteiro is said to have left only when the body was totally
consumed by flames.

To us, in our make believe democracy, where our shoes get worn-out by
making trips to the court rooms, this type of swift and horrifying
justice makes our legs weak. But then, one could sleep without fear,
keeping the doors and windows of the houses open precisely for this
very reason of swift justice during the Portuguese rule. And, by the
way, the identity of this criminal contractor, who thought he would be
able to pillage Goa's forests by having the thorn in Maciel Chaves
removed, the blame of which automatically and satisfactorily dumped on
the satyagraha movement, must be known to a few in Goa who are still
alive . I shall refrain from divulging this name for the moment in
order to save the faces of the family members, perhaps the
contractors' off-springs, who may or may not be immersed in the
current Goa's politics of sin.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:49 AM, JOHN MONTEIRO
> Dear Bernado

>  I was indeed shocked to the core (& I am still bodily shaking) to read the 
> report Roland had posted, for the incident in 1955.  As much as I feel my 
> personal life has nothing much to do with the events of today, on Goanet, or 
> in Goa itself, & maybe of no interest to anyone outside the Monteiro family, 
> I am pleading with everyone who may have any information regarding the 
> "Agente" Casemiro Monteiro (& his brother) who were in Goa during the 1950's.
  • [G... Bernado Colaco
      • ... Roland Francis
        • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
          • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
            • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
    • ... sonia gomes
      • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
        • ... sonia gomes
          • ... Roland Francis
          • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence

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