Hi Sonia
  I am so very sorry if you thought I was being critical of what you had 
suggested.  I am not in the least bit put off in what you said, I accepted it 
with good grace, I understood what you meant & believed that you are correct in 
saying what you did, but I think it will take more than this for me to forget, 
its been half a century since I last saw daddy.................
  Finding Relatives.......... why is it such a complex thing, finding a 
long-lost daddy, and the circumstances surrounding his life in Goa (amongst 
other places we have yet to receive confirmation from), so I am pulling the 
plug on any further discussions of daddy on this forum.
  I dont wish to take my personal life any further on the forum, nor draw this 
out any further than it has already been, more for the sake of the sanity of 
the Goanetters who have other posts to put on this forum, and right now, there 
are several discussions which merit higher priority.
  I am however accepting, replying to them & all very interesting posts so its 
not all over, not by a long chalk.........
  Best wishes
sonia gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear John, The reason that Bernardo and 
I wanted you to give up this quest was to avoid you getting hurt, that is all.
I wish you all the best, sometimes one needs to put these demons behind us.Warm 
wishes Sonia 

  • [G... Bernado Colaco
      • ... Roland Francis
        • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
          • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
            • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
    • ... sonia gomes
      • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
        • ... sonia gomes
          • ... Roland Francis
          • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence

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